OpenTracksApp / OpenTracks

OpenTracks is a sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy.
Apache License 2.0
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Auto-selection among multiple user-defined profiles based on the presence of Bluetooth sensors #1949

Open dr-m opened 4 days ago

dr-m commented 4 days ago

I have two bicycles, both with a BLE speed/cadence sensor, and with different wheel sizes. OpenTracks remembers the last bicycle that I used. When I switch to another bicycle, I have to tell it to use the other sensor, and to manually type the wheel circumference in millimeters. If a heart rate sensor is detected but no bicycle specific sensor, it might be nice to set the activity to "jogging" or "skiing", based on my preferences. If no sensor is detected, one might want the default activity to be "geocaching", "photography", or "surveying for OpenStreetMap".

It would be nice if OpenTracks allowed to associate an activity or label with a unique set of specific sensors. One might define "race bicycle", "touring bicycle", "tandem bicycle", which could be distinguished by speed, cadence, or power sensors. Or "jogging" or "cross-country walking" based on a shoe sensor. The profile could also remember other parameters, such as the wheel size. Ideally, OpenTracks would select the specific profile based on the Bluetooth identifier of a sensor that has been configured earlier.

There is an alternative idea for bicycling: AAT remembers a set of Bluetooth identifiers for sensors and configures the wheel circumference on the fly, during the first few tens of meters of riding with GPS enabled. (This would not work for indoor bicycling, and it would not allow a specific bicycling profile to be automatically set.)

dennisguse commented 4 days ago

Implementing some kind of profile support sounds like a good idea.