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Small screen layout #660

Closed sebastianha closed 1 year ago

sebastianha commented 3 years ago

I sometimes use split screen to show OsmAnd and OpenTracks both on my screen. Unfortunately the layout is not optimal for this, see screenshots

Screenshot_20210317-073755_OpenTracks Screenshot_20210317-073811_OpenTracks Screenshot_20210317-073819_OpenTracks

Perhaps it would be possible to detect the very small app layout and hide some elements of make them smaller. This would be really handy.

rgmf commented 3 years ago

With new customization layout, shall we close this issue? Does the new feature fix this issue?

dennisguse commented 3 years ago

I guess yes. What we could change would be: hide actionbar and the tabs. But this requires some alternative method for navigation. I don't know if this is worth the effort.

frasty commented 3 years ago

I also use the same splitscreen setup and I'm only able to view speed and distance with Opentracks. Opentracks without headers, tabs and pause/stop buttons would come very handy.

rgmf commented 3 years ago

@dennisguse @frasty we can add an option inside UI settings for hide tabs and navigation would be with gestures (swip left and right).

dennisguse commented 3 years ago

@rgmf as a quick fix: why not. What will not be reachable is the overflow menu.

dennisguse commented 2 years ago

@sebastianha Does the 4.0.0 release (i.e., the UI update) solve this problem for you?

sebastianha commented 2 years ago

As soon, as it hits f-droid, I will check.

dennisguse commented 2 years ago

In addition, we might be able to hide some UI elements when in multi-window mode. This method allows to get events:,%20android.content.res.Configuration)

sebastianha commented 2 years ago

@sebastianha Does the 4.0.0 release (i.e., the UI update) solve this problem for you?


no, unfortunately not completely. When not running it looks much better now:


But as soon as you are on the recording screen not even one row of data is visible.


It would be nice to have one row visible, this should be do-able with hiding the top bar when the screen is below a certain height. Also it seems that there is no transparency around the stop button at this screen.

But in general I like the new layout although it takes a while to realize that everything is in the bottom row now. But this is much more one-hand-friendly!

dennisguse commented 2 years ago

Can you check how it looks like in Fullscreen mode? (It is in the Open tracks preferences)

sebastianha commented 2 years ago

It looks the same. I think the is no "fullscreen" when in "split screen" mode.

dennisguse commented 2 years ago

One more thing: we could reduce the height of the tabs by showing only the indicator and hide the text.

dennisguse commented 2 years ago

@rgmf In one of the screenshots, the fabButton overlaps the actual content. Any idea why this is happening?

rgmf commented 2 years ago

@rgmf In one of the screenshots, the fabButton overlaps the actual content. Any idea why this is happening?

Yes, FAB button overlap the content. In AntennaPod, for example, they added a big padding below, so when user scroll down s-he can see the last row completely. Other solution would be to hide FAB button when scroll reach the bottom.

dennisguse commented 1 year ago

Actually the Material3 refactoring improved this a lot. Closing for now.