OpenTrading / OTMql4Zmq

Open Trading Metatrader 4 ZeroMQ Bridge
MIT License
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Cannot compile EA: "#import was not closed" #18

Open hailg opened 7 years ago

hailg commented 7 years ago

I installed from source (latest version). After copying all the files I saw that the libraries mq4 are compiled to ex4 successfully. However, when I try to compile the EA, I'll got these errors:

'OTMql4/OTLibLog.ex4' - #import was not closed OTLibLog.mqh 9 9 'OTMql4/OTLibStrings.ex4' - #import was not closed OTLibStrings.mqh 13 9 'OTMql4/OTLibSimpleFormatCmd.ex4' - #import was not closed OTLibSimpleFormatCmd.mqh 9 9 'OTMql4/OTLibJsonFormat.ex4' - #import was not closed OTLibJsonFormat.mqh 6 9 'OTMql4/OTZmqProcessCmd.ex4' - #import was not closed OTZmqProcessCmd.mqh 6 9 'OTMql4/ZmqSendReceive.ex4' - #import was not closed ZmqSendReceive.mqh 12 9

Anyone has the same issue like me?

mglcampos commented 7 years ago

Those appear because you dont have those files on the libraries folder.

hailg commented 7 years ago

I've checked my MT4 data folder. Inside Libraries/OTMql4 I have all that listed files (both .mq4 and .ex4). Just one thing that may cause this, I've setup my MT4 to use the data folder inside itself, not the one in Users folder. Is this a problem?

mglcampos commented 7 years ago

try to use the mql4zmq.mq4 here: it doesnt need all those libraries. But it gives me .dll errors on libzmq.dll. Give feedback if you can make it work with this example.

OpenTrading commented 7 years ago

hailg: we've never seen that error before but the code has not bee compiled recently; it may be because of a change in Mt4. What build are you using and what platform?

mglcampos: forget that AustenConrad code, and read in our Wiki how this code was derived from that code, but that code is years out of date.

I'll try to get some time over the next couple of weeks to try recompiling with a recent Mt4.

hailg commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm using MT4 build 1010 (18/8/2016). I tried on both Mac (with PlayforMac) and Windows machines. Both give me the same errors as above.

hailg commented 7 years ago

Also, can you tell me the Mt4 version that you can build successfully? I will make a try. Thanks. :)

mglcampos commented 7 years ago

Opentrading: I understood how your code fixed the AnsiToUnicode problem of Mql4 language update. But now all the messages i send with zeromq to my subscriber are going empty, I dont know why. I only receive a timestamp of the empty message.

mglcampos commented 7 years ago

I also fixed the empty message problem, i just had to upgrade to the last zeromq version

semrola commented 7 years ago

@hailg I solved the import issue by closing the import statement with another #import. So for example this is a closed import statement and it works for me:

#import "OTMql4/OTLibMt4ProcessCmd.ex4"
Vincent-Chin commented 7 years ago

I'm also on Build 1010 and ran into this same problem. Appending #import to the affected files (OTLibLog.ex4, OTLibStrings.ex4, OTZmqProcessCmd.ex4, OTLibSimpleFormatCmd.ex4, OTLibJsonFormat.ex4, OTLibPy27.ex4, OTPyChart.ex4) got me past the import issue, but as-is I now have 53 "function must have a body" errors.

I suspect it might be related to needing to explicitly specify each function you intend to import from an ex4 header, per:

Edit: The function-must-have-a-body errors were caused by me putting #import directly after #import "filename". Eg:

import "OTMql4/OTZmqProcessCmd.ex4"


string zOTZmqProcessCmd (string uMess);

Instead of:

import "OTMql4/OTZmqProcessCmd.ex4"

string zOTZmqProcessCmd (string uMess);


After moving the closing #import to the bottom of the following files, I was able to build and run OTPyTestZmqEA.mq4:

Include/OTMql4: OTLibLog.mqh OTLibStrings.mqh OTZmqProcessCmd.mqh OTLibSimpleFormatCmd.mqh OTLibJsonFormat.mqh OTLibPy27.mqh OTPyChart.mqh