OpenTransport / vocabulary

A vocabulary to describe transport systems
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mapping to OpenStreetMap #13

Open elf-pavlik opened 10 years ago

elf-pavlik commented 10 years ago

OSM has Public Transport schema, and quite some data published openly this way. Mapping to it could come handy! Maybe we could check if folks from / would like to help...

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

In (README back in english soon!) we build GTFS feed based on data available in OSM. We could quite easily link each gtfs:Stop and gtfs:ShapePoint to appropriate OSM nodes. Not sure if we should use links like{osm_id} or try to work with Getting URIs looks easy:

pietercolpaert commented 9 years ago

Wow! That looks amazing! Would be great to actually merge this with @skinkie's work on generating trips, routes and stop_times.txt from his internal model. @skinkie, what do you think?

skinkie commented 9 years ago

I am affraid of the license implications on the resulting feed.

pietercolpaert commented 9 years ago

Can you give more information? CC BY-SA of OSM will be compatible with whatever license you'd use, right?

Tristramg commented 9 years ago

it's been 2 years that OSM is ODBL, with a share-alike clause

skinkie commented 9 years ago

CC-0 is not compatible with any of the above. And in essence CC-0 is what I need to ship to Google.

pietercolpaert commented 9 years ago

Ok. Separate datasets it is.

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

To stay honest I don't get all this licensing stuff... could someone please explain limitations implied by OSM using ODBL? If one can't generate feed from it and release it under CC-0, I hope at least we can interlink GTFS data with ? Maybe also add URIs of stops to OSM

skinkie commented 9 years ago

A good example is SNCF, as you may have heard SNCF has opened their schedules under then own "open-license". Google can't eat the poison because it is a viral database license, hence Google should open all their transit data because they eat SNCF. This kind of licensing crap I want to avoid.

If someone wants to add URI's to OSM data, I'm happy that they do so, but if they want to have such information appear in our feeds they license their work in the public domain.

Tristramg commented 9 years ago

The problem is the share-alike clause as stated in

Share-Alike: If you publicly use any adapted version of this database, or works produced from an adapted database, you must also offer that adapted database under the ODbL.

That means that any database that uses OSM, must be under ODbL. That is why google will not use ODbL data as it would required to publish their private data.

We have a similar problem at work: we would like enrich our station database with OSM data. But we can not, as the initial data is propriatary from a third party.

Some people (like Mapbox) advocate to drop the share-alike clause for OSM as it make difficult to use it if you need to use it with some data under an other licence. I mostly agree with them.