OpenTransport / vocabulary

A vocabulary to describe transport systems
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TIO - The Tickets Ontology #16

Open elf-pavlik opened 9 years ago

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

Tickets ontology which includes various transport related concepts


pietercolpaert commented 9 years ago

Regarding adding links from GTFS to tio discussion:

GTFS at this moment doesn't have a class for something called a Ticket. It does however have a class for a FareClass which can be applied on certain parts of the schedule using FareRules.

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

IMO a trip planing app will need a way to show which tickets one can use to take given trip

@mfhepp how do you see gtfs:FareClass and gtfs:FareRules mapping to TIO?

We could also try out 15 days on InterRail use case:

pietercolpaert commented 9 years ago

In fact... I was wrong before... A gtfs:FareClass could be a similar class as tio:TicketPlaceholder

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

@mfhepp do you now of a way to include in a ticket features offered by particular vehicle used in the trip?



mfhepp commented 9 years ago

I think the new schema:additionalProperty pattern will fit, for a preview see

elf-pavlik commented 9 years ago

@mfhepp I don't see need to limit ourselves to capacities of vocab. I thought that you work on some vehicle related vocabularies which may already have properties for describing such features. Ticket could reference a particular vehicle (similar to ) which would have all the information about power plugs, wlan etc.

mfhepp commented 9 years ago

The most comprehensive, GoodRelations-compliant vocabulary for describing vehicles is the new branch for vehicles. It defines standard properties for many characteristics of cars and supersedes the VSO ontology. In combination with schema:additionalProperty, you should find everything you need. See (not perfectly in sync with the latest version of the extension).

Older approaches, mostly reflected in this, are
