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Crayfish Taxonomy updates #592

Open kacrandall opened 1 month ago

kacrandall commented 1 month ago

It appears as though OTT has ingested our updated crayfish taxonomy from WoRMS, but as a merge not as a replacement. This is particularly problematic for the genus Orconectes as many of these species are now taxonomically in the genus Faxonius. This has resulted in a number of duplicate species (e.g., Orconectes acares, Faxonius acares, etc.). I would suggest doing an update from the link below as a replacement from the Astacoidea on down (at least) if not for the entire Decapoda. There have been many updates to WoRMS for the decapods, including both taxonomic updates and also additional new species listings. We have a very active group working on the decapod taxonomy at WoRMS. CoL is now moving to use WoRMS as their primary taxonomic resource per recent emails. Let me know if you have questions or if I can help.

================================================ Metadata Do not edit below this line
Author Keith Crandall
Upvotes 0
Target node label Faxonius
Synthetic tree id opentree14.9
Synthetic tree node id ott45677
Source tree id(s)
Open Tree Taxonomy id
Supporting reference
mtholder commented 1 month ago

Thanks, Keith. We're hoping to move to using CoL+ as a taxonomy soon, but I'll try to fix this before that.