OpenTreeOfLife / opentree

Opentree browsing and curation web site. For overarching or cross-repo concerns, please see the 'germinator' repo.
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Mechanism to give curators plenty of warning before scheduled downtime #1053

Open jar398 opened 8 years ago

jar398 commented 8 years ago

If there is scheduled downtime at, say, 4pm, then we would like to give curators plenty of advance notice, like at least a few hours, so they will know about the downtime when they start their curation session, and can plan accordingly.

Solution 1. We could use email to tell them. Problem a: it's unlikely that all active curators are on the google group. We could add a message to the curator app - maybe on every login - to tell them to subscribe to the group to get downtime and other notices. Then, if they don't subscribe and their session is cut short by downtime, we can say it's their own fault. Problem b: these messages are spam for people on the group who are not doing curation.

Solution 2. Improve the current 'maintenance_notice' feature. Currently the notice is coupled to logic that disabled study creation and editing, because it is meant to be used during an outage, not in advance of an outage. If we could put up the notice without disabled study creation/editing, then we could put up the notice hours or days in advance.

(difficulty around "starting a curation session": maybe some users keep one session running for days or weeks? think about what happens in this case)

Useability nit: I find the current procedure of editing the config file and restarting apache to be a bit awkward. This operation will probably happen every week and the person doing it (e.g. me) will need to remember how to do it and will want it to be easy (e.g. with a single shell command on one's own computer, no requirement to ssh over and edit a file). Restarting apache also makes me nervous, both because it creates its own downtime and because it is a vunerability (system might break at that point), so if there's a way to avoid that it would be nice.

So ideally:

mtholder commented 8 years ago

It seems to me is the simplest thing that should work is:

  1. have the curator app's controllers look in their opentree/curator/private dir for a "warn-impending-maintenance.txt" file and a "undergoing-maintenance" file.
  2. if the first is found, a message is displayed in the header and curation is allowed. If the second is found curation is disabled.

Then you can just scp the file to start maintenance, move it to go into maintenance mode, and remove it to leave maintenance mode. We only have 1 or 2 editing controllers in the curation app, so I'm not sure we need to get fancy with this.

jimallman commented 8 years ago

We only have 1 or 2 editing controllers in the curation app, so I'm not sure we need to get fancy with this.

There's an existing get_maintenance_info method called by all controllers, so we can just change the behavior here and the outcome in the main page template.

jar398 commented 8 years ago

I think the announcement feature could just as usefully by used for announcements in general, e.g. noting a new synthetic tree (with hyperlink to longer announcement) or UI feature. If I'm right then calling it xxx_maintenance_xxx is probably not appropriate.​

jimallman commented 7 years ago

I think the announcement feature could just as usefully by used for announcements in general

Agreed. Perhaps this file could be called "" to allow basic text styles and links. This message would appear in the header, but would not affect behavior or block curation activity.

screen shot 2016-10-12 at 4 54 17 pm

We'll presumably want some kind of session variable to remember if someone closes/dismisses this message, or it will keep re-appearing on each new page.

jimallman commented 7 years ago

On further reflection, we might want to use unique (date-specific?) filenames for these announcements:

This way a session variable could be something like 'announcementClosed': 'header-announcement-2016-10-12'. This would ensure that they see any new announcement at least once, then (once it's been dismissed) they won't be bothered for the rest of the current session.

jar398 commented 7 years ago

Here's what NCBI does, for reference:
