OpenTreeOfLife / phylografter

web2py app for tree store and grafting
6 stars 4 forks source link

export trees as NeXML #17

Open rhr opened 11 years ago

rhr commented 11 years ago

What metadata should be included in the export?

jar398 commented 11 years ago

How about all of it? My preference is that, in conjunction with importing trees as NeXML, there should be support for nonlossy round trips. I.e. (maybe not right away, but before the grant ends) you should be able to export, edit in some non-phylografter editor, and re-ingest without losing too much of the curation effort that initially took place in Phylografter. If this goal is difficult maybe we can approach it by stages.

This is a significant project and involves an interface that could become central, so it would be nice if there were some kind of documented consensus in place. E.g. we need to agree on how the tips are to be labeled or annotated to reflect homonym resolution.

jar398 commented 11 years ago

This issue seems to be mooted by #25