OpenTreeOfLife / taxomachine

taxonomy graphdb
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Build taxonomy DB directly from ott distribution #116

Closed josephwb closed 8 years ago

josephwb commented 8 years ago

Carries out building both the 1) taxonomy and 2) contexts in one fell swoop.

Seems like a good idea: 1) second step (making contexts) cannot be forgotten (which leads to issues), and 2) version of the taxonomy is taken directly from ott files (and not manually typed in, as is now the case).

Also nice to get it done in one go, as it takes so long to complete.

Run as:

java -jar target/taxomachine-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar buildott path_to_ott

I've tested this out with a subsetted taxonomy (Vertebrata) and it works correctly.

josephwb commented 8 years ago

Note: I branched off of issue-108, so those edits need to be considered as well.

This is by no means a priority or even important; just convenient.

josephwb commented 8 years ago

Doh: started PR before pushing my edits. Everything is there now. :bowtie: