OpenTreeOfLife / taxomachine

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OTT ID returned more than once in a TNRS call #92

Closed mtholder closed 9 years ago

mtholder commented 9 years ago

Perhaps this is a feature, but it surprised me. It is by no means urgent, but if I run:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type":"application/json" -H"Accept":"application/json" --data '{"do_approximate_matching": false, "names": ["Archaea"]}'

I get the following output, which contains OTT ID 996421 twice (first and third response).

  "governing_code" : "undefined",
  "unambiguous_name_ids" : [ "Archaea" ],
  "unmatched_name_ids" : [ ],
  "matched_name_ids" : [ "Archaea" ],
  "context" : "All life",
  "includes_deprecated_taxa" : false,
  "includes_dubious_names" : false,
  "includes_approximate_matches" : false,
  "taxonomy" : {
    "author" : "open tree of life project",
    "weburl" : "",
    "source" : "ott2.8"
  "results" : [ {
    "id" : "Archaea",
    "matches" : [ {
      "is_deprecated" : false,
      "is_synonym" : false,
      "flags" : [ ],
      "search_string" : "archaea",
      "score" : 1.0,
      "synonyms" : [ "Archaea", "archaea", "Archaebacteria", "Mendosicutes", "Metabacteria" ],
      "is_approximate_match" : false,
      "ot:ottId" : 996421,
      "matched_node_id" : 478643,
      "rank" : "",
      "matched_name" : "Archaea",
      "unique_name" : "Archaea (domain in cellular organisms)",
      "is_dubious" : false,
      "nomenclature_code" : null,
      "ot:ottTaxonName" : "Archaea"
    }, {
      "is_deprecated" : false,
      "is_synonym" : false,
      "flags" : [ ],
      "search_string" : "archaea",
      "score" : 1.0,
      "synonyms" : [ "Archäa", "Archaea" ],
      "is_approximate_match" : false,
      "ot:ottId" : 5264182,
      "matched_node_id" : 1056380,
      "rank" : "",
      "matched_name" : "Archaea",
      "unique_name" : "Archaea (genus in family Archaeidae)",
      "is_dubious" : false,
      "nomenclature_code" : "ICZN",
      "ot:ottTaxonName" : "Archaea"
    }, {
      "is_deprecated" : false,
      "is_synonym" : true,
      "flags" : [ ],
      "search_string" : "archaea",
      "score" : 1.0,
      "synonyms" : [ "Archaea", "archaea", "Archaebacteria", "Mendosicutes", "Metabacteria" ],
      "is_approximate_match" : false,
      "ot:ottId" : 996421,
      "matched_node_id" : 478643,
      "rank" : "",
      "matched_name" : "archaea",
      "unique_name" : "Archaea (domain in cellular organisms)",
      "is_dubious" : false,
      "nomenclature_code" : null,
      "ot:ottTaxonName" : "Archaea"
    } ]
  } ]
josephwb commented 9 years ago

Seems like it is just returning the name and the synonym, right?

mtholder commented 9 years ago

yeah. you're right. I did not notice the case difference as a synonym. sorry.