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Support for Uniwersytet Śląski #2

Open KhazAkar opened 2 months ago

KhazAkar commented 2 months ago

Hi! Found your project on fdroid and I think it's great to have alternative to official Mobile USOS app. Uniwersytet Śląski (Silesia University) uses USOS, too. Is it possible to have it support here? I would add it's but my android-fu skills succ

But can test-build on Linux tho! ;)

oskarkulinski commented 2 months ago

Thank you, we will add it tomorrow or on Saturday.

oskarkulinski commented 2 months ago

The link to sing up for the api key on the website of Silesia University is broken, it redirects to the home page of their USOS api instead of the key signup form. I have sent an email to their USOS admins, hopefully they respond soon.

oskarkulinski commented 2 months ago

No response yet, nothing we can do about it. Probably due to the summer break they aren't checking their emails or they just don't care.

KhazAkar commented 2 months ago

Let's wait for end of the summer break. If they won't respond, then, well...