OpenVAA / voting-advice-application

An open-source platform for creating Voting Advice Applications (VAAs)
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poc/refactor: data api and state management #573

Open kaljarv opened 3 months ago

kaljarv commented 3 months ago


What has been changed (if possible, add screenshots, gifs, etc. )

Prepares for refactoring data API connections, state management and the internal data model.

The proposed new modules are all prefixed with an underscore.

NB. This PR is not meant to be merged. It is just a proof of concept implementation.

Trying out

  1. Navigate to /_test/
  2. Select an election
  3. Select a constituency
  4. Edit the mock answer to see (random) updates in the matches
  5. Edit the options in $lib/_config/config.ts. Valid options for adapter are 'local' and 'strapi'

Data loading

Loading cascade

Below is description of the data cascade on the /_test/[electionId]/[constituencyId] route. See the individual files for more details.

The basic paradigm is:

The whole process is described in the flowchart below.

title: Data cascade for the `/_test/[electionId]/[constituencyId]` route
flowchart TD

  %% Block Definitions

  PAGE["Nominations Page
  Displays the candidates nominated for the selected election in the selected constituency."]:::svelte

  LAYOUT_SV_C["Constituency Layout
  Receives the promised data and provides it"]:::svelte

  LAYOUT_TS_C["Constituency Layout Loader
  Universally loads NominationData[] for the constituency
  and election in the route params"]

  LAYOUT_SV_E["Election Layout
  Receives the promised data and provides it"]:::svelte

  LAYOUT_TS_E["Election Layout Loader
  Universally loads ConstituencyData[] for the election in the route param"]

  LAYOUT_SV["Outermost Layout
  Receives the promised data and provides it"]:::svelte

  LAYOUT_TS["Outermost Layout Loader
  Universally loads ElectionData[]"]






  Imports lazily the correct DataProvider implementation based on config
  and exports is as a promise resolving to `{ dataProvider: DataProvider }`."]

  %% Connections

  PAGE-.-|"In <slot> of"| LAYOUT_SV_C

  subgraph Layouts
  LAYOUT_SV_C---|"Gets data.nominationsData"| LAYOUT_TS_C
  LAYOUT_SV_C-.-|"In <slot> of"| LAYOUT_SV_E
  LAYOUT_TS_C-.-|"Can access data"| LAYOUT_TS_E

  LAYOUT_SV_E---|"Gets data.constituenciesData"| LAYOUT_TS_E
  LAYOUT_SV_E-.-|"In <slot> of"| LAYOUT_SV
  LAYOUT_TS_E-.-|"Can access data"| LAYOUT_TS

  LAYOUT_SV---|"Gets data.electionsData"| LAYOUT_TS

  subgraph Contexts
  CTX_VOTER---|"getAppContext()"| CTX_APP
  CTX_APP---|"getVaaDataContext()"| CTX_VAA
  CTX_APP---|"getI18nContext()"| CTX_I18N
  CTX_COMP---|"getI18nContext()"| CTX_I18N

  CTX_VOTER---|"Provided nominationsData and candidatesData by*
  constituencyId store set by"| LAYOUT_SV_C
  CTX_VOTER---|"Initiated by
  Provided constituencyData by*
  electionId store set by"| LAYOUT_SV_E
  CTX_VAA---|"Initiated by
  Provided electionData by"| LAYOUT_SV
  CTX_I18N---|"Initiated by"| LAYOUT_SV

  LAYOUT_TS_C---|"(await dataProvider).getNominationsData()"| DP
  LAYOUT_TS_E---|"(await dataProvider).getConstituenciesData()"| DP
  LAYOUT_TS---|"(await dataProvider).getElectionsData()"| DP

  %% Data Provider roots

  subgraph DataProviders
  ---|"import depending on /$lib/_config/config.ts"|DP_STRAPI["$lib/_api/adapters/strapi/provider/strapiDataProvider.ts
  A specific implementation to connect to a Strapi backend"]
  ---|"getCandidatesData() → fetch()"|STRAPI["Strapi backend"]:::ssr;

  ---|"import depending on /$lib/_config/config.ts"|DP_API["$lib/_api/adapters/apiRoute/provider/apiRouteDataProvider.ts
  A generic wrapper for all DataProvider implementations
  that rely on the server and are, thus, accessible via the API routes"]
  ---|"getCandidatesData() → fetch()"|API["/routes/api/data/[collection]/+server.ts
  A generic API route (GET) request handler,
  which loads the data using ServerDataProvider
  (agnostic to the implementation defined in config,
  but returns an error if the config doesn't support server loading**)"]:::ssr
  Imports lazily the correct ServerDataProvider implementation based on config
  and exports is as a promise resolving to `{ serverDataProvider: ServerDataProvider }`."]:::ssr
  ---|"import depending on /$lib/_config/config.ts"|DP_SERVER_LOCAL["$lib/_api/adapters/localServer/provider/localServerDataProvider.server.ts
  A specific implementation to read locally saved json files."]:::ssr
  ---|"getCandidatesData() → read()"|JSON["/data/candidates.json"]:::ssr;

  subgraph Legend
  L1["Svelte component"]:::svelte
  L4["Other module"]

  classDef ctx fill:#afa
  classDef svelte fill:#aaf
  classDef ssr fill:#faa

* The data are provided to the dataRoot or its descendants which VoterContext gets from VaaDataContext. ** This could actually be changed so that the universal DataProvider would be used instead, because it might be useful to always expose the API routes.


All of the data and state variables used by the app and components are contained in Svelte contexts.

Context  Consumer Includes Own contents Initiated by
I18nContext Other contexts t
locales from $lib/i18n
VaaDataContext Other contexts I18n dataRoot: Readable<dataRoot> /[lang]
ComponentContext Any component* I18n None currently, but the context is separate because the components might be moved later to a separate module /[lang]
AppContext Any part of the app or dynamic components I18n, VaaData appSettings: SettingsStore
appType: Writable<AppType>
userPreferences: Writable<UserPreferences>
feedback: DialogService<Feedback>
survey: DialogService<Survey>
progress: Writable<number \| undefined>
getRoute: Readable<RouteGetter>
darkMode: Readable<boolean>
track, startPageview, startEvent etc.
VoterContext Any part of the Voter App or voter components App electionId: Writable<id>
election: Readable<Election>
constituencyId: Writable<id>
constituency: Readable<Constituency>
algorithm: MatchingAlgorithm
answers: AnswerStore
matchedCandidates: Readable<Promise<Array<Match<Nomination>>>>
entityFilters: Readable<Promise<FilterGroup<MaybeRanked<CandidateProps>>> • MAYBE
CandidateContext Any part of the Candidate App or candidate components App — TBA
logout: DialogService<LogoutModal>

* ComponentContext should be imported in such a way that another context that implements the same functions can easily be provided if the components are used elsewhere.

Some of the contents or the Candidate context are not implemented yet in this PR. Some of them are described below.


// getRoute.ts
import { derived } from 'svelte/store';
import { page } from '$app/stores';

export const getRoute = derived(page,
  ({params, url}) => (options: GetRouteOptions) => buildRoute(options, {params, url}),
  (options: GetRouteOptions) => buildRoute(options)

type GetRouteOptions = Parameters<typeof buildRoute>[0];

// buildRoute.ts
export function buildRoute(
  routeOptions: RouteOptions | Route,
  current?: {
    params: Record<string, string>;
    url: URL;
): string {
  let route = '';
  // Build route here
  return route;

export type RouteOptions = {
  route: Route;
  locale?: string | null;

// route.ts
export const ROUTE = {
  // Define routes here
} as const;

export type Route = keyof typeof ROUTE;


 * An extended store for handling settings merged from default settings, locally defined overrides and those accessed via `DataProvider`.
type SettingsStore = Readable<AppSettings> & {
   * Merge `settings` into the settings. Nullish values will be skipped.
  extend: (settings: Partial<AppSettings>) => AppSettings;


 * Used to control showing and hiding dialogs which exist on the top level of the app. These include dialogs for feedback, user survey and logging out.
type DialogService<TComponent> = {
   * Store indicating whether the popup is open.
  open: Readable<boolean>;
   * Open the popup and return a promise resolving to the component when it's open. 
   * @param force Force opening the popup even if showing it is prevented by user preferences
  show: (force?: boolean) => Promise<TComponent>;
   * Open the popup after `delay` seconds.
  startCountdown: (delay?: number) => Promise<TComponent>;

Route parameters

The user selections in the Voter app are store in route params. When the user has selected election 1 and constituency 2 and is using the app in English, the route is:


NB. In the future, multiple election selection needs to be implemented, in which case the route might be /en/_test/1,2/3. The possible issue in this case is that the ids cannot contain commas. A more robust option might be to add folders so that the route becomes:


This will make the server folder structure a bit cumbersome, and we still would need to disallow constituency as an id, but maybe that's okay.

Candidate App

The Candidate App will follow the same paradigm and will therefore demand quite a bit of reorganising. As an example, setting a Candidate’s answer to one of the info question on the profile page could proceed thus:

// /candidate/profile/+page.svelte

const { answers } = getCandidateContext();

const current: Record<Id, Answer<LocalizedString>> = $answers;

// $lib/contexts/candidate/context.ts

const answers = new CandidateAnswerStore();

// $lib/contexts/candidate/candidateAnswerStore.ts

import { dataWriter } from '$lib/api/dataWriter';

// Maybe create an ExtendedStore class which this and the Voter's `AnswerStore` implement
class CandidateAnswerStore implements Readable<CandidateAnswers> {
  readonly subscribe: Writable<CandidateAnswers>['subscribe'];
  protected update: Writable<CandidateAnswers>['update'];
  protected set: Writable<CandidateAnswers>['set'];

  constructor() {
    const {update, set, subscribe} = writable<Answers>(Object.freeze(answers));
    this.update = update;
    this.set = set;
    this.subscribe = subscribe;

  load(): Promise<void | Error> {
    return dataWriter.getAnswers()
      .then((answers) => this.set(() => Object.freeze(answers)))
      .catch((e) => e);

  /** Set an answer, which will be saved in localStorage but not yet in the backend unless `save` is `true` */
  setAnswer(questionId: Id, answer: Omit<CandidateAnswer, 'unsaved'>, save = false): void {
    // Implement using this.set

  /** Save all unsaved answers. Resolves to `true` if any were saved. */
  save(): Promise<boolean | Error> {
    const answers = get(this);
    const unsaved = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(answers).filter(([,answer]) => answer.unsaved);
    if (!Object.keys(unsaved).length) return Promise.resolve(false);
    return dataWriter.setAnswers(unsaved)
      .then(() => this.set(() => 
            Object.entries(answers).map(([key, value]) => ([key, {...value, unsaved: false}]))
      .catch((e) => e);

  /** Reset all answers to their saved values */
  reset(): void {
    // Implement

type CandidateAnswers = Record<Id, CandidateAnswer>;

// Instead of a separate type, we probably want to define a parameterized common Answer used for both Voters and Candidates
type CandidateAnswer = {
  value: SerializableValue; // or more specific
  openAnswer?: LocalizedString;
  unsaved?: boolean;

The DataWriter imported functions the same way as DataProvider but also handles authentication.


For this, see the #595

Further Considerations

API Services

All external connections from the frontend can be configured in the (static) settings in /_config.

The configuration defines which adapters to use for the various functions of the app, of which some are optional.

Service Optional Notes
DataProvider Required  All (readonly) connections to the backend that both the Voter and Candidate apps need
FeedbackWriter Optional  Write (and limited read) connection to the backend for writing and reading feedback
DataWriter Required for Candidate App All write and authenticated read connections to the backend that the Candidate app needs
AnalyticsWriter Optional All write connections to an analytics service

The API service are collected in the $lib/_api folder by adapter.

Only the ones marked with * are in this PR.

      (common files)
      provider *
      (common files)
      provider *
  dataProvider.ts (API entry point)
  serverDataProvider.server.ts (API route entry point)

Match, Nomination, wrapped and naked Entity

Entity cards, details and lists should accept Entities either in their naked form or possibly under multiple wraps.

The current PR does not yet implement the code below, but it will be necessary if this paradigm is accepted.

type MaybeWrappedEntity<TEntity extends Entity = Entity> =
  | TEntity
  | Match<TEntity>
  | Nomination<TEntity>
  | Match<Nomination<TEntity>>;

interface EntityCardProps<TEntity extends Entity = Entity> {
  content: MaybeWrappedEntity<TEntity>;

function parseEntity<TEntity extends Entity = Entity>(
  maybeWrapped: MaybeWrappedEntity<TEntity>
): ParsedEntity<TEntity> {
  let entity: TEntity | undefined = undefined;
  let nomination: Nomination<TEntity> | undefined = undefined;
  let match: Match<TEntity> | Match<Nomination<TEntity>> | undefined = undefined;
  let current: MaybeWrappedEntity<TEntity> = maybeWrapped;
  while (current) {
    if (current instanceof Match) {
      match = current;
      current = match.entity;
    } else if (current instanceof Nomination) {
      nomination = current;
      current = match.entity;
    } else if (current instanceof Entity) {
      entity = current;
    } else {
      throw new Error(`Unknown entity or wrapper type: ${}`);
  if (!entity) throw new Error('No entity found in wrapped entity');
  return {

type ParsedEntity<TEntity extends Entity = Entity> = {
  entity: TEntity;
  nomination: Nomination<TEntity> | undefined;
  match: Match<TEntity> | Match<Nomination<TEntity>> | undefined;

Localized data for Candidate App

We might not need to deal with locales in vaa-data at all, because what we're mostly concerned is the possibility of using DataProvider to get data without translating it.

Not yet implemented in this PR.

export interface DataWriter {
   * An extended version of the DataProvider method. We could also just 
   * expand the DataProvider implementation to cover this.
  getCandidatesData<TLocale extends string | undefined | null>({
  }: {
    locale: TLocale;
  }): TLocale extends string ? CandidateData[] : Localized<CandidateData[]>;
  // If `locale` is not defined, do not translate the object

 * Convert the `string` types in `TData` (usually a `vaa-data` `DataObjectData` 
 * type) to `LocalizedString` with the exception of id references.
export type Localized<TData> = {
  [Key in keyof TData]: Key extends IdProp
    ? TData[Key]
    : TData[Key] extends string
      ? LocalizedString | string
      : TData[Key];

 * Rererence to another object by id or this object's own id.
 * @example 'id', 'candidateId', 'constituencyIds'
type IdProp = 'id' | `${string}Id` | `${string}Ids`;


Check off each of the following tasks as they are completed

Clean up your git commit history before submitting the pull request!

anolpe commented 3 months ago

When I tested this first time (with local DataProvider) Chrome only showed a loading spinner while Firefox showed a list of candidates. But I couldn't reproduce that issue :sweat_smile: Otherwise it worked without any problems.

norppaa commented 3 months ago

This worked without issues for me both on firefox and chrome

kaljarv commented 3 months ago

When I tested this first time (with local DataProvider) Chrome only showed a loading spinner while Firefox showed a list of candidates. But I couldn't reproduce that issue 😅 Otherwise it worked without any problems.

Did you restart the container and/or close the browser window after switching to this branch?

anolpe commented 3 months ago

Did you restart the container and/or close the browser window after switching to this branch?

I'm pretty sure that I started container after switching branch and didn't have browser open.

kaljarv commented 3 months ago

Did you restart the container and/or close the browser window after switching to this branch?

I'm pretty sure that I started container after switching branch and didn't have browser open.

Okay, then it remains a mystery why it didn't work 😄 on the first time.

kaljarv commented 2 months ago

Starting work on the VaaData module at #595