As a voter,
I want to see short, easy-to-understand summaries of candidates and parties in the results list,
so that I can quickly learn more of them without having to open their details, especially when comparing options.
Data to summarize
Candidates’ positions and voting history
Option for candidates to include links to other data, such as their website or social media profile
Candidates’ open answers to questions
Party manifestos
Prevent overlap
How to make sure that the information presented in the summary overlaps as little as possible with the data that can already be gleaned from the overall and per-category matching scores?
Approval and editing
Should candidates and parties have the option to approve the summaries before they’re displayed and possibly edit them?
If they are shown on an opt-in basis, what to display in the UI in their stead?
Initial planning
Which technologies to use?
Which of the tech is shared between the other ideas?
Which data sources are needed?
Is the AI model interacted with in real-time or do we use canned results?
Make a sketch of the ideal interaction? E.g. a script of the chat or a rough draft of the visualisation
Primary user story
As a voter, I want to see short, easy-to-understand summaries of candidates and parties in the results list, so that I can quickly learn more of them without having to open their details, especially when comparing options.
Data to summarize
Prevent overlap
Approval and editing