OpenVPN / openvpn3-linux

OpenVPN 3 Linux client
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Unable to start session with openvpn3 session-start --config #194

Closed vulkodava closed 1 year ago

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

From today I am unable to start a new VPN session under Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS.

$ openvpn3 session-start --config .ovpn Using configuration profile from file: .ovpn Session path: /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/da7a5c85s6203s4049sb60cs2c9d0f9cfbb5

And hangs to the last line. I have set log level to 6 but still no more information than that.

I am able, however, to connect via my Android phone app with my account

I have followed this thread but did not help in my case.

dsommers commented 1 year ago

Can you please provide the output of this command?

 # openvpn3-admin journal --path /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/da7a5c85s6203s4049sb60cs2c9d0f9cfbb5

If that gives very little, please increase debugging levels:

 # openvpn3-admin log-service --log-level 6

and add/replace the verb option in tyour configuration file to say: verb 6. Then try again, and retrieve the log entries using openvpn3-admin journal again.

I have followed this thread but did not help in my case.

That issue should not be relevant for Ubuntu 22.04.

vulkodava commented 1 year ago


Thank you for your response.

The command

openvpn3-admin journal --path /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/<ID>

does not return any response. Tried it with sudo but still no result. I have changed the session ID with a new one created by openvpn3 session-start --config <config>.ovpn command while it was hanging.

openvpn3-admin log-service --log-level 6 shows:

Log method: journald
Attached log subscriptions: 6
Log timestamps: enabled
Log tag prefix enabled: enabled
Log D-Bus details: disabled
Current log level: 6
dsommers commented 1 year ago

okay ... then the session is failing to start very early.

Can you try using the openvpn2 command instead (not the openvpn command):

  $ openvpn2 --config <PROFILE_CONFIG>.ovpn --verb 6
vulkodava commented 1 year ago

:) Thank you. No I have some log from that command, but still hanging.

Press CTRL-C to stop the connection

2023-06-25 14:37:39.777085 [STATUS] (StatusMajor.CONNECTION, StatusMinor.CFG_OK) config_path=/net/openvpn/v3/configuration/4d6d43c4x2928x424fxac1dx14bd7a1125e6
2023-06-25 14:37:39.777142 [LOG] Starting connection
2023-06-25 14:37:39.777166 [LOG] Using DNS resolver scope: global
2023-06-25 14:37:39.777185 [LOG] [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
2023-06-25 14:37:39.777205 [STATUS] (StatusMajor.CONNECTION, StatusMinor.CONN_CONNECTING) 
2023-06-25 14:37:39.777226 [LOG] OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
2023-06-25 14:37:39.778702 [LOG] Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
2023-06-25 14:37:39.784532 [LOG] UNUSED OPTIONS
                                 8 [persist-tun]
                                 19 [verb] [6]
2023-06-25 14:37:39.784631 [LOG] Resolving
dsommers commented 1 year ago

Hanging at "Resolving" is odd. What is the hostname(s) listed in remote lines in your config? Can you use host <HOSTNAME> and get it resolved?

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

Sure :)

host has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address has address
;; Connection to for failed: timed out.
;; Connection to for failed: timed out.
dsommers commented 1 year ago

Hmmm ... I presume resolvectl query gives the same result then. What is the output of resolvectl status?

What is the output of openvpn3-admin version --services ... just to ensure there is no old processes running from prior releases.

Another thing is to query the complete logs. Please have a look at the --since argument for openvpn3-admin journal. And extract the full logs of everything from your session attempt. Please also ensure you don't have any stray openvpn3-service-* processes running before you run this attempt.

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

resolvectl query returns           -- link: wlo1
                        -- link: wlo1
                        -- link: wlo1
                        -- link: wlo1
                         -- link: wlo1
                         -- link: wlo1
                        -- link: wlo1
                         -- link: wlo1
                         -- link: wlo1
                        -- link: wlo1
                        -- link: wlo1
                        -- link: wlo1
                        -- link: wlo1
                         -- link: wlo1
                        -- link: wlo1
                         -- link: wlo1
                        -- link: wlo1
                        -- link: wlo1
                       2604:4500:c:10::8       -- link: wlo1
                       2a02:6ea0:c702::7       -- link: wlo1
                       2a00:c98:2050:a042:2::7 -- link: wlo1
                       2604:4500:c:10::a       -- link: wlo1
                       2604:4500:c:10::6       -- link: wlo1
                       2a00:c98:2050:a042:2::a -- link: wlo1
                       2a02:6ea0:c702::9       -- link: wlo1
                       2a02:6ea0:c702::6       -- link: wlo1
                       2a00:c98:2050:a042:2::6 -- link: wlo1
                       2604:4500:c:10::7       -- link: wlo1
                       2a02:6ea0:c702::8       -- link: wlo1
                       2a00:c98:2050:a042:2::8 -- link: wlo1
                       2604:4500:c:10::9       -- link: wlo1
                       2a02:6ea0:c702::a       -- link: wlo1
                       2a02:6ea0:c702::5       -- link: wlo1
                       2a00:c98:2050:a042:2::9 -- link: wlo1
                       2604:4500:c:10::5       -- link: wlo1
                       2a00:c98:2050:a042:2::5 -- link: wlo1

-- Information acquired via protocol DNS in 3.3ms.
-- Data is authenticated: no; Data was acquired via local or encrypted transport: no
-- Data from: cache

openvpn3-admin version --services

OpenVPN 3 D-Bus services:

  - Client backend starter service
     openvpn3-service-backendstart: v20

  - Configuration Service
     openvpn3-service-configmgr:    v20

  - Log Service
     openvpn3-service-logger:       v20

  - Network Configuration Service
     openvpn3-service-netcfg:       v20

  - Session Manager Service
     openvpn3-service-sessionmgr:   v20
vulkodava commented 1 year ago

sudo openvpn3-admin journal --since "2023-06-25 15:25" --path /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/e8be1272s6f2as4083s88cese031da68ddc6 returns nothing

dsommers commented 1 year ago

Remove the --path argument, just use the --since argument ... and IIRC; the time need to be "UTC". I'd just use date in this case to be sure you don't miss anything.

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

Here's the result

Sun Jun 25 14:01:41 2023  Logger INFO: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
               OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
               Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Sun Jun 25 14:01:41 2023  Logger INFO: Log method: journald
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Log method: journald
Sun Jun 25 14:01:41 2023  Logger INFO: Idle exit set to 10 minutes
Sun Jun 25 14:01:41 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:5495825411647612809}  [:1.1534/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:41 2023  {tag:5495825411647612809} Config Manager INFO: {tag:5495825411647612809} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:01:50 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:5207918935570402521}  [:1.1537/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:11888617043148074434}  [:1.1538/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8958017124777476360}  [:1.1539/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:17653055364903319233}  [:1.1539/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/353c0497s6aaas45e3s82d8s04468e9dd9fd to {tag:8958017124777476360}
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB1: {tag:8958017124777476360} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB1: {tag:8958017124777476360} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:6858752840943098199}  [:1.1541/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:17376675856119556928}  [:1.1541/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:17376675856119556928} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:17376675856119556928} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration service object ready
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:6858752840943098199} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration VERB1: {tag:6858752840943098199} Redirect method: host-route
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration VERB2: {tag:6858752840943098199} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:6858752840943098199} Cleaning up resources for PID 127129.
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client INFO: {tag:8958017124777476360} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:5207918935570402521} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB2: {tag:8958017124777476360} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:01:57 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:11888617043148074434}  [:1.1538/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:06:18 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:07:41 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:5495825411647612809}  [:1.1534/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 14:10:40 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:11:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:6858752840943098199}  [:1.1541/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 14:11:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:17376675856119556928}  [:1.1541/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 14:15:02 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:19:25 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:23:47 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:28:09 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:32:31 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:36:53 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:36:53 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB2: {tag:8958017124777476360} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:37:03 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
Sun Jun 25 14:37:03 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB2: {tag:8958017124777476360} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:37:13 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
Sun Jun 25 14:37:13 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB2: {tag:8958017124777476360} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:37:23 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
Sun Jun 25 14:37:23 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB2: {tag:8958017124777476360} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:5207918935570402521} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client INFO: {tag:8958017124777476360} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client INFO: {tag:8958017124777476360} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8958017124777476360}  [:1.1539/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:17653055364903319233}  [:1.1539/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:12687075830200424912}  [:1.1637/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:15447389605485857124}  [:1.1637/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:15447389605485857124} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:15447389605485857124} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration service object ready
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:12687075830200424912} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration VERB1: {tag:12687075830200424912} Redirect method: host-route
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration VERB2: {tag:12687075830200424912} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
Sun Jun 25 14:37:31 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 14:37:38 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:3490926827787014747}  [:1.1639/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:38 2023  {tag:3490926827787014747} Config Manager INFO: {tag:3490926827787014747} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:3490926827787014747} Config Manager INFO: {tag:3490926827787014747} Parsed single-use configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:3490926827787014747} Config Manager INFO: {tag:3490926827787014747} Setting configuration override 'persist-tun' to 'true' by UID 1000
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:16285766775197887104}  [:1.1640/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:12737200584114114875}  [:1.1641/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:6055116849302824013}  [:1.1641/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/043c513dsc2c8s43d0s9994scf0e203733d3 to {tag:12737200584114114875}
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger DEBUG: [Logger] Log forward added for :1.1638
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger VERB1: Added new log proxy by :1.1537 - session: /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/043c513dsc2c8s43d0s9994scf0e203733d3, target: :1.1638, tag: 12737200584114114875
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager INFO: {tag:5207918935570402521} Added log forwarding to :1.1638
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session operation: Connect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:12687075830200424912} Cleaning up resources for PID 134582.
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client INFO: {tag:12737200584114114875} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client DEBUG: {tag:12737200584114114875} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client DEBUG: {tag:12737200584114114875} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client DEBUG: {tag:12737200584114114875} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:5207918935570402521} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client DEBUG: {tag:12737200584114114875} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client DEBUG: {tag:12737200584114114875} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [persist-tun]
               19 [verb] [6]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client VERB2: {tag:12737200584114114875} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:37:45 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:16285766775197887104}  [:1.1640/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session operation: LogForward, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  Logger DEBUG: [Logger] Log forward removed for :1.1638
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  Logger VERB1: Removed log proxy: :1.1638
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager INFO: {tag:5207918935570402521} Removed log forwarding from :1.1638
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:5207918935570402521} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client INFO: {tag:12737200584114114875} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client INFO: {tag:12737200584114114875} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:12737200584114114875}  [:1.1641/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:6055116849302824013}  [:1.1641/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:12687075830200424912} Cleaning up resources for PID 134582.
Sun Jun 25 14:40:08 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 14:40:50 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:5207918935570402521}  [:1.1537/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:43:38 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:3490926827787014747}  [:1.1639/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 14:47:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:12687075830200424912}  [:1.1637/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 14:47:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:15447389605485857124}  [:1.1637/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:20 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:2281876784619318007}  [:1.1666/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:21 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8787659366308895370}  [:1.1667/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:21 2023  {tag:8787659366308895370} Config Manager INFO: {tag:8787659366308895370} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:11405907028663863580}  [:1.1668/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:7845314693924451522}  [:1.1669/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:2655548617932738428}  [:1.1669/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/7bcf1911s3be0s4df6saecdsdf73797e9fdf to {tag:7845314693924451522}
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client VERB1: {tag:7845314693924451522} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client VERB1: {tag:7845314693924451522} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:15213185717326598877}  [:1.1671/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:9268744966505958197}  [:1.1671/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:9268744966505958197} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:9268744966505958197} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration service object ready
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:15213185717326598877} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration VERB1: {tag:15213185717326598877} Redirect method: host-route
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration VERB2: {tag:15213185717326598877} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:15213185717326598877} Cleaning up resources for PID 137005.
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client INFO: {tag:7845314693924451522} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client DEBUG: {tag:7845314693924451522} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client DEBUG: {tag:7845314693924451522} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client DEBUG: {tag:7845314693924451522} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:2281876784619318007} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:2281876784619318007} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client DEBUG: {tag:7845314693924451522} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client DEBUG: {tag:7845314693924451522} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client VERB2: {tag:7845314693924451522} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:50:28 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:11405907028663863580}  [:1.1668/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  {tag:2281876784619318007} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:2281876784619318007} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  {tag:2281876784619318007} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:2281876784619318007} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client INFO: {tag:7845314693924451522} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client INFO: {tag:7845314693924451522} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:7845314693924451522}  [:1.1669/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:2655548617932738428}  [:1.1669/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:15213185717326598877} Cleaning up resources for PID 137005.
Sun Jun 25 14:50:31 2023  {tag:2281876784619318007} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:2281876784619318007} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 14:56:20 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:2281876784619318007}  [:1.1666/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:56:21 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8787659366308895370}  [:1.1667/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 15:00:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:15213185717326598877}  [:1.1671/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 15:00:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:9268744966505958197}  [:1.1671/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  openvpn3-service-logger starting idle shutdown (pid: 127106)
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  Logger INFO: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
               OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
               Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  Logger INFO: Log method: journald
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Log method: journald
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  Logger INFO: Idle exit set to 10 minutes
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:17021710718162514744}  [:1.1723/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:6629491983480525205}  [:1.1725/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  {tag:6629491983480525205} Config Manager INFO: {tag:6629491983480525205} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:13053111155786124727}  [:1.1726/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:12292572334355581451}  [:1.1726/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  {tag:12292572334355581451} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:12292572334355581451} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration service object ready
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:13053111155786124727} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration VERB1: {tag:13053111155786124727} Redirect method: host-route
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration VERB2: {tag:13053111155786124727} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:685371846039569298}  [:1.1727/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:17:16 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:17021710718162514744}  [:1.1723/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:5109981502854010081}  [:1.1732/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:4910931837730027106}  [:1.1733/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:16429588594797132346}  [:1.1733/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/198d73a9s2af2s4332s857as2ddf57ff924b to {tag:4910931837730027106}
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client VERB1: {tag:4910931837730027106} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client VERB1: {tag:4910931837730027106} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 140726.
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client INFO: {tag:4910931837730027106} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client DEBUG: {tag:4910931837730027106} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client DEBUG: {tag:4910931837730027106} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client DEBUG: {tag:4910931837730027106} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client DEBUG: {tag:4910931837730027106} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client DEBUG: {tag:4910931837730027106} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client VERB2: {tag:4910931837730027106} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 15:18:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:5109981502854010081}  [:1.1732/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:685371846039569298} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client INFO: {tag:4910931837730027106} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client INFO: {tag:4910931837730027106} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:4910931837730027106}  [:1.1733/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:16429588594797132346}  [:1.1733/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 140726.
Sun Jun 25 15:19:13 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:685371846039569298} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 15:22:01 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8179585186508977798}  [:1.1743/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:22:07 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8179585186508977798}  [:1.1743/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:23:43 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:14887850524253542193}  [:1.1748/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:23:43 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:14431716103106646003}  [:1.1749/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:23:43 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8264374734003398350}  [:1.1749/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:23:44 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/ea5dc398scf69s4dabsaa9as85fb5e62ff21 to {tag:14431716103106646003}
Sun Jun 25 15:23:44 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client VERB1: {tag:14431716103106646003} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 15:23:44 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client VERB1: {tag:14431716103106646003} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 141388.
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client INFO: {tag:14431716103106646003} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client DEBUG: {tag:14431716103106646003} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client DEBUG: {tag:14431716103106646003} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client DEBUG: {tag:14431716103106646003} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client DEBUG: {tag:14431716103106646003} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client DEBUG: {tag:14431716103106646003} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client VERB2: {tag:14431716103106646003} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 15:23:49 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:14887850524253542193}  [:1.1748/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:685371846039569298} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client INFO: {tag:14431716103106646003} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client INFO: {tag:14431716103106646003} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:14431716103106646003}  [:1.1749/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8264374734003398350}  [:1.1749/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 141388.
Sun Jun 25 15:26:00 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:685371846039569298} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 15:26:02 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8922030885868711774}  [:1.1756/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:26:02 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:5011427516383442472}  [:1.1757/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:26:02 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:10693115905787843226}  [:1.1757/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:26:02 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/e8be1272s6f2as4083s88cese031da68ddc6 to {tag:5011427516383442472}
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client VERB1: {tag:5011427516383442472} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client VERB1: {tag:5011427516383442472} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 141681.
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client INFO: {tag:5011427516383442472} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client DEBUG: {tag:5011427516383442472} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client DEBUG: {tag:5011427516383442472} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client DEBUG: {tag:5011427516383442472} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client DEBUG: {tag:5011427516383442472} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client DEBUG: {tag:5011427516383442472} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client VERB2: {tag:5011427516383442472} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 15:26:08 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8922030885868711774}  [:1.1756/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:685371846039569298} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client INFO: {tag:5011427516383442472} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client INFO: {tag:5011427516383442472} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:5011427516383442472}  [:1.1757/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:10693115905787843226}  [:1.1757/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 141681.
Sun Jun 25 15:27:54 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:685371846039569298} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 15:29:10 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:6629491983480525205}  [:1.1725/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 15:29:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:685371846039569298}  [:1.1727/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:37:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:13053111155786124727}  [:1.1726/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 15:37:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:12292572334355581451}  [:1.1726/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  openvpn3-service-logger starting idle shutdown (pid: 140474)
dsommers commented 1 year ago

You have several lines like this:

 Sun Jun 25 14:19:25 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)

That indicates that DNS lookup is not working.

You can try this hack, to see if we get a connection running. Before all the 'remote' lines in your config file, add lines like this:

 remote 1194 udp
 remote 1194 udp
 remote 1194 udp
vulkodava commented 1 year ago

I guess no restart is required. I have added them, but no effect

dev tun
remote 1194 udp
remote 1194 udp
remote 1194 udp
remote 1194 udp
remote 1194 udp
remote 443 tcp
remote 1194 udp
remote 1194 udp
remote 1194 udp
remote 1194 udp
remote 1194 udp
remote-cert-tls server
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA256
verb 3
socket-flags TCP_NODELAY

Even changed the verb 3 to verb 6 but no difference.

dsommers commented 1 year ago

Please run the openvpn3-admin journal --since exercise again; need proper logs to see how it behaves.

vulkodava commented 1 year ago
Sun Jun 25 14:01:41 2023  Logger INFO: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
               OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
               Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Sun Jun 25 14:01:41 2023  Logger INFO: Log method: journald
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Log method: journald
Sun Jun 25 14:01:41 2023  Logger INFO: Idle exit set to 10 minutes
Sun Jun 25 14:01:41 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:5495825411647612809}  [:1.1534/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:41 2023  {tag:5495825411647612809} Config Manager INFO: {tag:5495825411647612809} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:01:50 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:5207918935570402521}  [:1.1537/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:11888617043148074434}  [:1.1538/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8958017124777476360}  [:1.1539/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:17653055364903319233}  [:1.1539/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/353c0497s6aaas45e3s82d8s04468e9dd9fd to {tag:8958017124777476360}
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB1: {tag:8958017124777476360} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB1: {tag:8958017124777476360} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:6858752840943098199}  [:1.1541/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:17376675856119556928}  [:1.1541/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:17376675856119556928} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:17376675856119556928} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration service object ready
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:6858752840943098199} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration VERB1: {tag:6858752840943098199} Redirect method: host-route
Sun Jun 25 14:01:51 2023  {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration VERB2: {tag:6858752840943098199} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:6858752840943098199} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:6858752840943098199} Cleaning up resources for PID 127129.
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client INFO: {tag:8958017124777476360} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:5207918935570402521} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 14:01:52 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB2: {tag:8958017124777476360} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:01:57 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:11888617043148074434}  [:1.1538/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:06:18 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:07:41 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:5495825411647612809}  [:1.1534/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 14:10:40 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:11:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:6858752840943098199}  [:1.1541/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 14:11:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:17376675856119556928}  [:1.1541/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 14:15:02 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:19:25 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:23:47 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:28:09 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:32:31 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:36:53 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
Sun Jun 25 14:36:53 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB2: {tag:8958017124777476360} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:37:03 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
Sun Jun 25 14:37:03 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB2: {tag:8958017124777476360} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:37:13 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
Sun Jun 25 14:37:13 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB2: {tag:8958017124777476360} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:37:23 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client DEBUG: {tag:8958017124777476360} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
Sun Jun 25 14:37:23 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client VERB2: {tag:8958017124777476360} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:5207918935570402521} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client INFO: {tag:8958017124777476360} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:8958017124777476360} Client INFO: {tag:8958017124777476360} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8958017124777476360}  [:1.1539/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:17653055364903319233}  [:1.1539/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:12687075830200424912}  [:1.1637/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:15447389605485857124}  [:1.1637/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:15447389605485857124} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:15447389605485857124} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration service object ready
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:12687075830200424912} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration VERB1: {tag:12687075830200424912} Redirect method: host-route
Sun Jun 25 14:37:29 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration VERB2: {tag:12687075830200424912} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
Sun Jun 25 14:37:31 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 14:37:38 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:3490926827787014747}  [:1.1639/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:38 2023  {tag:3490926827787014747} Config Manager INFO: {tag:3490926827787014747} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:3490926827787014747} Config Manager INFO: {tag:3490926827787014747} Parsed single-use configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:3490926827787014747} Config Manager INFO: {tag:3490926827787014747} Setting configuration override 'persist-tun' to 'true' by UID 1000
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:16285766775197887104}  [:1.1640/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:12737200584114114875}  [:1.1641/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:6055116849302824013}  [:1.1641/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/043c513dsc2c8s43d0s9994scf0e203733d3 to {tag:12737200584114114875}
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger DEBUG: [Logger] Log forward added for :1.1638
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  Logger VERB1: Added new log proxy by :1.1537 - session: /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/043c513dsc2c8s43d0s9994scf0e203733d3, target: :1.1638, tag: 12737200584114114875
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager INFO: {tag:5207918935570402521} Added log forwarding to :1.1638
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session operation: Connect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:12687075830200424912} Cleaning up resources for PID 134582.
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client INFO: {tag:12737200584114114875} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client DEBUG: {tag:12737200584114114875} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client DEBUG: {tag:12737200584114114875} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client DEBUG: {tag:12737200584114114875} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:5207918935570402521} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client DEBUG: {tag:12737200584114114875} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client DEBUG: {tag:12737200584114114875} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [persist-tun]
               19 [verb] [6]
Sun Jun 25 14:37:39 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client VERB2: {tag:12737200584114114875} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:37:45 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:16285766775197887104}  [:1.1640/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session operation: LogForward, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  Logger DEBUG: [Logger] Log forward removed for :1.1638
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  Logger VERB1: Removed log proxy: :1.1638
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager INFO: {tag:5207918935570402521} Removed log forwarding from :1.1638
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:5207918935570402521} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client INFO: {tag:12737200584114114875} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:12737200584114114875} Client INFO: {tag:12737200584114114875} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:12737200584114114875}  [:1.1641/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:6055116849302824013}  [:1.1641/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:40:06 2023  {tag:12687075830200424912} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:12687075830200424912} Cleaning up resources for PID 134582.
Sun Jun 25 14:40:08 2023  {tag:5207918935570402521} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:5207918935570402521} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 14:40:50 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:5207918935570402521}  [:1.1537/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:43:38 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:3490926827787014747}  [:1.1639/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 14:47:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:12687075830200424912}  [:1.1637/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 14:47:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:15447389605485857124}  [:1.1637/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:20 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:2281876784619318007}  [:1.1666/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:21 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8787659366308895370}  [:1.1667/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:21 2023  {tag:8787659366308895370} Config Manager INFO: {tag:8787659366308895370} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:11405907028663863580}  [:1.1668/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:7845314693924451522}  [:1.1669/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:2655548617932738428}  [:1.1669/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/7bcf1911s3be0s4df6saecdsdf73797e9fdf to {tag:7845314693924451522}
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client VERB1: {tag:7845314693924451522} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client VERB1: {tag:7845314693924451522} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:15213185717326598877}  [:1.1671/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:9268744966505958197}  [:1.1671/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:9268744966505958197} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:9268744966505958197} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration service object ready
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:15213185717326598877} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration VERB1: {tag:15213185717326598877} Redirect method: host-route
Sun Jun 25 14:50:22 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration VERB2: {tag:15213185717326598877} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:15213185717326598877} Cleaning up resources for PID 137005.
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client INFO: {tag:7845314693924451522} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client DEBUG: {tag:7845314693924451522} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client DEBUG: {tag:7845314693924451522} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client DEBUG: {tag:7845314693924451522} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:2281876784619318007} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:2281876784619318007} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client DEBUG: {tag:7845314693924451522} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client DEBUG: {tag:7845314693924451522} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:23 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client VERB2: {tag:7845314693924451522} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 14:50:28 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:11405907028663863580}  [:1.1668/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  {tag:2281876784619318007} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:2281876784619318007} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  {tag:2281876784619318007} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:2281876784619318007} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client INFO: {tag:7845314693924451522} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  {tag:7845314693924451522} Client INFO: {tag:7845314693924451522} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:7845314693924451522}  [:1.1669/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:2655548617932738428}  [:1.1669/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:50:29 2023  {tag:15213185717326598877} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:15213185717326598877} Cleaning up resources for PID 137005.
Sun Jun 25 14:50:31 2023  {tag:2281876784619318007} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:2281876784619318007} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 14:56:20 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:2281876784619318007}  [:1.1666/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 14:56:21 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8787659366308895370}  [:1.1667/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 15:00:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:15213185717326598877}  [:1.1671/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 15:00:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:9268744966505958197}  [:1.1671/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  openvpn3-service-logger starting idle shutdown (pid: 127106)
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  Logger INFO: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
               OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
               Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  Logger INFO: Log method: journald
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Log method: journald
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  Logger INFO: Idle exit set to 10 minutes
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:17021710718162514744}  [:1.1723/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:6629491983480525205}  [:1.1725/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 15:17:10 2023  {tag:6629491983480525205} Config Manager INFO: {tag:6629491983480525205} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:13053111155786124727}  [:1.1726/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:12292572334355581451}  [:1.1726/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  {tag:12292572334355581451} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:12292572334355581451} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration service object ready
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:13053111155786124727} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration VERB1: {tag:13053111155786124727} Redirect method: host-route
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration VERB2: {tag:13053111155786124727} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
Sun Jun 25 15:17:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:685371846039569298}  [:1.1727/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:17:16 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:17021710718162514744}  [:1.1723/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:5109981502854010081}  [:1.1732/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:4910931837730027106}  [:1.1733/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:16429588594797132346}  [:1.1733/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/198d73a9s2af2s4332s857as2ddf57ff924b to {tag:4910931837730027106}
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client VERB1: {tag:4910931837730027106} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 15:18:45 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client VERB1: {tag:4910931837730027106} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 140726.
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client INFO: {tag:4910931837730027106} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client DEBUG: {tag:4910931837730027106} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client DEBUG: {tag:4910931837730027106} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client DEBUG: {tag:4910931837730027106} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client DEBUG: {tag:4910931837730027106} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client DEBUG: {tag:4910931837730027106} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 15:18:46 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client VERB2: {tag:4910931837730027106} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 15:18:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:5109981502854010081}  [:1.1732/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:685371846039569298} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client INFO: {tag:4910931837730027106} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  {tag:4910931837730027106} Client INFO: {tag:4910931837730027106} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:4910931837730027106}  [:1.1733/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:16429588594797132346}  [:1.1733/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:19:11 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 140726.
Sun Jun 25 15:19:13 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:685371846039569298} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 15:22:01 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8179585186508977798}  [:1.1743/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:22:07 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8179585186508977798}  [:1.1743/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:23:43 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:14887850524253542193}  [:1.1748/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:23:43 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:14431716103106646003}  [:1.1749/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:23:43 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8264374734003398350}  [:1.1749/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:23:44 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/ea5dc398scf69s4dabsaa9as85fb5e62ff21 to {tag:14431716103106646003}
Sun Jun 25 15:23:44 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client VERB1: {tag:14431716103106646003} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 15:23:44 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client VERB1: {tag:14431716103106646003} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 141388.
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client INFO: {tag:14431716103106646003} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client DEBUG: {tag:14431716103106646003} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client DEBUG: {tag:14431716103106646003} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client DEBUG: {tag:14431716103106646003} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client DEBUG: {tag:14431716103106646003} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client DEBUG: {tag:14431716103106646003} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 15:23:45 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client VERB2: {tag:14431716103106646003} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 15:23:49 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:14887850524253542193}  [:1.1748/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:685371846039569298} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client INFO: {tag:14431716103106646003} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  {tag:14431716103106646003} Client INFO: {tag:14431716103106646003} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:14431716103106646003}  [:1.1749/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8264374734003398350}  [:1.1749/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:25:58 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 141388.
Sun Jun 25 15:26:00 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:685371846039569298} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 15:26:02 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8922030885868711774}  [:1.1756/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:26:02 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:5011427516383442472}  [:1.1757/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:26:02 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:10693115905787843226}  [:1.1757/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:26:02 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/e8be1272s6f2as4083s88cese031da68ddc6 to {tag:5011427516383442472}
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client VERB1: {tag:5011427516383442472} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client VERB1: {tag:5011427516383442472} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 141681.
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client INFO: {tag:5011427516383442472} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client DEBUG: {tag:5011427516383442472} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client DEBUG: {tag:5011427516383442472} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client DEBUG: {tag:5011427516383442472} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client DEBUG: {tag:5011427516383442472} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client DEBUG: {tag:5011427516383442472} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 15:26:03 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client VERB2: {tag:5011427516383442472} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 15:26:08 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8922030885868711774}  [:1.1756/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:685371846039569298} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:685371846039569298} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client INFO: {tag:5011427516383442472} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  {tag:5011427516383442472} Client INFO: {tag:5011427516383442472} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:5011427516383442472}  [:1.1757/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:10693115905787843226}  [:1.1757/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:27:52 2023  {tag:13053111155786124727} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:13053111155786124727} Cleaning up resources for PID 141681.
Sun Jun 25 15:27:54 2023  {tag:685371846039569298} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:685371846039569298} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 15:29:10 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:6629491983480525205}  [:1.1725/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 15:29:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:685371846039569298}  [:1.1727/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 15:37:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:13053111155786124727}  [:1.1726/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 15:37:11 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:12292572334355581451}  [:1.1726/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  openvpn3-service-logger starting idle shutdown (pid: 140474)
Sun Jun 25 20:32:21 2023  Logger INFO: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
               OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
               Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Sun Jun 25 20:32:21 2023  Logger INFO: Log method: journald
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Log method: journald
Sun Jun 25 20:32:21 2023  Logger INFO: Idle exit set to 10 minutes
Sun Jun 25 20:32:21 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8519530830408364399}  [:1.2127/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 20:32:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:15064450133131386123}  [:1.2129/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 20:32:22 2023  {tag:15064450133131386123} Config Manager INFO: {tag:15064450133131386123} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:2976779742502684706}  [:1.2130/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:13987487627760847146}  [:1.2131/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:11471390848347051510}  [:1.2131/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/509b57d0seee5s4b81sbc4ese243c88d3284 to {tag:13987487627760847146}
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  {tag:13987487627760847146} Client VERB1: {tag:13987487627760847146} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  {tag:13987487627760847146} Client VERB1: {tag:13987487627760847146} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:15638615050036173260}  [:1.2133/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:256525563304481929}  [:1.2133/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  {tag:256525563304481929} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:256525563304481929} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  {tag:15638615050036173260} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:15638615050036173260} Network Configuration service object ready
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  {tag:15638615050036173260} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:15638615050036173260} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  {tag:15638615050036173260} Network Configuration VERB1: {tag:15638615050036173260} Redirect method: host-route
Sun Jun 25 20:32:23 2023  {tag:15638615050036173260} Network Configuration VERB2: {tag:15638615050036173260} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
Sun Jun 25 20:32:24 2023  {tag:15638615050036173260} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:15638615050036173260} Cleaning up resources for PID 172486.
Sun Jun 25 20:32:24 2023  {tag:13987487627760847146} Client INFO: {tag:13987487627760847146} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 20:32:24 2023  {tag:13987487627760847146} Client DEBUG: {tag:13987487627760847146} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 20:32:24 2023  {tag:13987487627760847146} Client DEBUG: {tag:13987487627760847146} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 20:32:24 2023  {tag:13987487627760847146} Client DEBUG: {tag:13987487627760847146} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 20:32:24 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:8519530830408364399} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 20:32:24 2023  {tag:13987487627760847146} Client DEBUG: {tag:13987487627760847146} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 20:32:24 2023  {tag:13987487627760847146} Client DEBUG: {tag:13987487627760847146} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 20:32:24 2023  {tag:13987487627760847146} Client VERB2: {tag:13987487627760847146} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 20:32:29 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:2976779742502684706}  [:1.2130/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:33:20 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:8519530830408364399} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 20:33:20 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:8519530830408364399} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 20:33:20 2023  {tag:13987487627760847146} Client INFO: {tag:13987487627760847146} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 20:33:20 2023  {tag:13987487627760847146} Client INFO: {tag:13987487627760847146} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 20:33:20 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:13987487627760847146}  [:1.2131/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:33:20 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:11471390848347051510}  [:1.2131/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 20:33:20 2023  {tag:15638615050036173260} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:15638615050036173260} Cleaning up resources for PID 172486.
Sun Jun 25 20:33:22 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:8519530830408364399} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 20:34:06 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:13941896566431350169}  [:1.2137/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:34:07 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:17062363052022358497}  [:1.2138/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:34:07 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8907658686243509328}  [:1.2138/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 20:34:07 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/6599b4f9s5b22s4bc3s8c85s81faf26b4957 to {tag:17062363052022358497}
Sun Jun 25 20:34:07 2023  {tag:17062363052022358497} Client VERB1: {tag:17062363052022358497} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 20:34:07 2023  {tag:17062363052022358497} Client VERB1: {tag:17062363052022358497} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 20:34:08 2023  {tag:15638615050036173260} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:15638615050036173260} Cleaning up resources for PID 172862.
Sun Jun 25 20:34:08 2023  {tag:17062363052022358497} Client INFO: {tag:17062363052022358497} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 20:34:08 2023  {tag:17062363052022358497} Client DEBUG: {tag:17062363052022358497} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 20:34:08 2023  {tag:17062363052022358497} Client DEBUG: {tag:17062363052022358497} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 20:34:08 2023  {tag:17062363052022358497} Client DEBUG: {tag:17062363052022358497} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 20:34:08 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:8519530830408364399} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 20:34:08 2023  {tag:17062363052022358497} Client DEBUG: {tag:17062363052022358497} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 20:34:08 2023  {tag:17062363052022358497} Client DEBUG: {tag:17062363052022358497} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 20:34:08 2023  {tag:17062363052022358497} Client VERB2: {tag:17062363052022358497} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 20:34:13 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:13941896566431350169}  [:1.2137/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:34:16 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:8519530830408364399} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 20:34:16 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:8519530830408364399} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 20:34:16 2023  {tag:17062363052022358497} Client INFO: {tag:17062363052022358497} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 20:34:16 2023  {tag:17062363052022358497} Client INFO: {tag:17062363052022358497} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 20:34:16 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:17062363052022358497}  [:1.2138/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:34:16 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8907658686243509328}  [:1.2138/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 20:34:16 2023  {tag:15638615050036173260} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:15638615050036173260} Cleaning up resources for PID 172862.
Sun Jun 25 20:34:18 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:8519530830408364399} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 20:34:56 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:16937651193177179346}  [:1.2142/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:34:56 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:14479687165657577096}  [:1.2143/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:34:57 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:18285476210319059868}  [:1.2143/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 20:34:57 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/d5ca0562sa7f2s42d4saaaasc8f985e85915 to {tag:14479687165657577096}
Sun Jun 25 20:34:57 2023  {tag:14479687165657577096} Client VERB1: {tag:14479687165657577096} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 20:34:57 2023  {tag:14479687165657577096} Client VERB1: {tag:14479687165657577096} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 20:34:58 2023  {tag:15638615050036173260} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:15638615050036173260} Cleaning up resources for PID 172967.
Sun Jun 25 20:34:58 2023  {tag:14479687165657577096} Client INFO: {tag:14479687165657577096} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 20:34:58 2023  {tag:14479687165657577096} Client DEBUG: {tag:14479687165657577096} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 20:34:58 2023  {tag:14479687165657577096} Client DEBUG: {tag:14479687165657577096} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 20:34:58 2023  {tag:14479687165657577096} Client DEBUG: {tag:14479687165657577096} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 20:34:58 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:8519530830408364399} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 20:34:58 2023  {tag:14479687165657577096} Client DEBUG: {tag:14479687165657577096} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 20:34:58 2023  {tag:14479687165657577096} Client DEBUG: {tag:14479687165657577096} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 20:34:58 2023  {tag:14479687165657577096} Client VERB2: {tag:14479687165657577096} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 20:35:02 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:16937651193177179346}  [:1.2142/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:35:04 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:8519530830408364399} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 20:35:04 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:8519530830408364399} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 20:35:04 2023  {tag:14479687165657577096} Client INFO: {tag:14479687165657577096} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 20:35:04 2023  {tag:14479687165657577096} Client INFO: {tag:14479687165657577096} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 20:35:04 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:14479687165657577096}  [:1.2143/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:35:04 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:18285476210319059868}  [:1.2143/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 20:35:04 2023  {tag:15638615050036173260} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:15638615050036173260} Cleaning up resources for PID 172967.
Sun Jun 25 20:35:06 2023  {tag:8519530830408364399} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:8519530830408364399} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 20:38:21 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8519530830408364399}  [:1.2127/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 20:38:22 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:15064450133131386123}  [:1.2129/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 20:42:23 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:15638615050036173260}  [:1.2133/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 20:42:23 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:256525563304481929}  [:1.2133/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 20:58:58 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:17936385814622576554}  [:1.2220/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 20:58:59 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8024425838980317787}  [:1.2221/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 20:58:59 2023  {tag:8024425838980317787} Config Manager INFO: {tag:8024425838980317787} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 20:59:00 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:18132089992166334215}  [:1.2222/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:59:00 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:6294016603184416005}  [:1.2223/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 20:59:00 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:10602024613872661328}  [:1.2223/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 20:59:00 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/226d3db1s2a81s4123s91fds8aab122409a0 to {tag:6294016603184416005}
Sun Jun 25 20:59:01 2023  {tag:6294016603184416005} Client VERB1: {tag:6294016603184416005} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 20:59:01 2023  {tag:6294016603184416005} Client VERB1: {tag:6294016603184416005} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 20:59:01 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:16675755979732699929}  [:1.2225/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 20:59:01 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:8237281046840366371}  [:1.2225/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 20:59:01 2023  {tag:8237281046840366371} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:8237281046840366371} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
Sun Jun 25 20:59:01 2023  {tag:16675755979732699929} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:16675755979732699929} Network Configuration service object ready
Sun Jun 25 20:59:01 2023  {tag:16675755979732699929} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:16675755979732699929} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
Sun Jun 25 20:59:01 2023  {tag:16675755979732699929} Network Configuration VERB1: {tag:16675755979732699929} Redirect method: host-route
Sun Jun 25 20:59:01 2023  {tag:16675755979732699929} Network Configuration VERB2: {tag:16675755979732699929} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
Sun Jun 25 20:59:02 2023  {tag:16675755979732699929} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:16675755979732699929} Cleaning up resources for PID 179900.
Sun Jun 25 20:59:02 2023  {tag:6294016603184416005} Client INFO: {tag:6294016603184416005} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 20:59:02 2023  {tag:6294016603184416005} Client DEBUG: {tag:6294016603184416005} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 20:59:02 2023  {tag:6294016603184416005} Client DEBUG: {tag:6294016603184416005} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 20:59:02 2023  {tag:6294016603184416005} Client DEBUG: {tag:6294016603184416005} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 20:59:02 2023  {tag:17936385814622576554} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:17936385814622576554} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 20:59:02 2023  {tag:6294016603184416005} Client DEBUG: {tag:6294016603184416005} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 20:59:02 2023  {tag:6294016603184416005} Client DEBUG: {tag:6294016603184416005} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 20:59:02 2023  {tag:6294016603184416005} Client VERB2: {tag:6294016603184416005} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 20:59:06 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:18132089992166334215}  [:1.2222/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 21:02:55 2023  {tag:17936385814622576554} Session Manager DEBUG: {tag:17936385814622576554} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
Sun Jun 25 21:02:55 2023  {tag:17936385814622576554} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:17936385814622576554} Disconnecting connection
Sun Jun 25 21:02:55 2023  {tag:6294016603184416005} Client INFO: {tag:6294016603184416005} Stopping connection
Sun Jun 25 21:02:55 2023  {tag:6294016603184416005} Client INFO: {tag:6294016603184416005} Disconnected
Sun Jun 25 21:02:55 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:6294016603184416005}  [:1.2223/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 21:02:55 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:10602024613872661328}  [:1.2223/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 21:02:55 2023  {tag:16675755979732699929} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:16675755979732699929} Cleaning up resources for PID 179900.
Sun Jun 25 21:02:57 2023  {tag:17936385814622576554} Session Manager VERB1: {tag:17936385814622576554} Session is closing
Sun Jun 25 21:04:58 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:17936385814622576554}  [:1.2220/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 21:04:59 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:8024425838980317787}  [:1.2221/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
dsommers commented 1 year ago

Still hangs at the same place; this is very odd. Before continuing, lets first see that the default host setup is reasonable now:

  # openvpn3-admin init-config

Running this does not change anything (it's a "dry run" by default). It needs the --write-configs argument to do any changes.

The next thing is to enable debugging of the "Network Configuration" service. This service isn't too verbose, by default.

# openvpn3-admin netcfg-service --config-set log-level 6

Then ensure you stop the openvpn3-service-netcfg service before trying to reconnect. Then you can try to start the connection again. The openvpn3-admin journal call is needed once again after this attempt.

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

Interestingly enough, I do not find openvpn3-service-netcfg service on my machine. sudo service openvpn3-service-netcfg status returns Unit openvpn3-service-netcfg.service could not be found.. Could this have something to do?

After running the commands above and a laptop restart now sudo openvpn3-admin journal --since "2023-06-25" > logs.log returns.

Sun Jun 25 21:38:50 2023  Logger INFO: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
               OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
               Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Sun Jun 25 21:38:50 2023  Logger INFO: Log method: journald
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
Wed Jan 19 10:01:49 586524  Log method: journald
Sun Jun 25 21:38:50 2023  Logger INFO: Idle exit set to 10 minutes
Sun Jun 25 21:38:50 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:13791353632230719515}  [:1.126/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 21:38:51 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:10638480047475808339}  [:1.129/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
Sun Jun 25 21:38:51 2023  {tag:10638480047475808339} Config Manager INFO: {tag:10638480047475808339} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
Sun Jun 25 21:38:52 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:2222412201115115687}  [:1.130/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 21:38:52 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:7448328686180331828}  [:1.131/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
Sun Jun 25 21:38:52 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:7479556496646594946}  [:1.131/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
Sun Jun 25 21:38:52 2023  Logger DEBUG: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/311c0a03sef3es4819sb6d4sbb0e3172a7fa to {tag:7448328686180331828}
Sun Jun 25 21:38:52 2023  {tag:7448328686180331828} Client VERB1: {tag:7448328686180331828} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
Sun Jun 25 21:38:52 2023  {tag:7448328686180331828} Client VERB1: {tag:7448328686180331828} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:10187597673648787526}  [:1.132/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  Logger VERB2: Attached: {tag:728972578225270212}  [:1.132/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  {tag:728972578225270212} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:728972578225270212} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  {tag:10187597673648787526} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:10187597673648787526} Network Configuration service object ready
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  {tag:10187597673648787526} Network Configuration DEBUG: {tag:10187597673648787526} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  {tag:10187597673648787526} Network Configuration VERB1: {tag:10187597673648787526} Redirect method: host-route
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  {tag:10187597673648787526} Network Configuration VERB2: {tag:10187597673648787526} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  {tag:10187597673648787526} Network Configuration INFO: {tag:10187597673648787526} Cleaning up resources for PID 7270.
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  {tag:7448328686180331828} Client INFO: {tag:7448328686180331828} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  {tag:7448328686180331828} Client DEBUG: {tag:7448328686180331828} Using DNS resolver scope: global
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  {tag:7448328686180331828} Client DEBUG: {tag:7448328686180331828} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
Sun Jun 25 21:38:53 2023  {tag:7448328686180331828} Client DEBUG: {tag:7448328686180331828} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
Sun Jun 25 21:38:54 2023  {tag:13791353632230719515} Session Manager VERB2: {tag:13791353632230719515} Starting connection
Sun Jun 25 21:38:54 2023  {tag:7448328686180331828} Client DEBUG: {tag:7448328686180331828} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
Sun Jun 25 21:38:54 2023  {tag:7448328686180331828} Client DEBUG: {tag:7448328686180331828} UNUSED OPTIONS
               8 [nobind]
               9 [persist-tun]
               20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
               22 [verb] [3]
Sun Jun 25 21:38:54 2023  {tag:7448328686180331828} Client VERB2: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
Sun Jun 25 21:38:58 2023  Logger VERB2: Detached: {tag:2222412201115115687}  [:1.130/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
vulkodava commented 1 year ago

Just FYI I am using the VPN client to connect. Not managing the vpn admin.

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

For initial installations (long time ago) and for re-installation on Friday I have used this manual

dsommers commented 1 year ago

Just briefly about the OpenVPN 3 Linux stack ...

The openvpn3-service-netcfg service is started automatically when needed (via /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.service). It is a standard component of the OpenVPN 3 Linux stack. This is the most privileged process - the rest of the components (openvpn3-service-{logger,configmgr,sessionmgr, client}) runs completely without privileges. It is only the openvpn3-service-client process which can request network changes. The netcfg service is responsible for creating tun/dco interfaces, configuring IP addresses, network routes and DNS resolver settings pushed by the VPN server. The log lines containing "Network Configuration" comes from the netcfg service. And the D-Bus service name is net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.

OpenVPN 3 Linux does not depend on systemd, but can let systemd manage VPN sessions via the openvpn3-session@.service.

The URL for the instructions is the right ones.

So to the debugging of your case. I'm spending time here, as there has been one or two other reports experiencing something similar on Ubuntu 22.04 - but we've never been able to fully track down what is going wrong.

Can you run this command in a separate terminal as root?

 # /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openvpn3-linux/openvpn3-service-netcfg --log-level 6 --log-file stdout: --idle-exit 0 --state-dir /var/lib/openvpn3

This process, when run like this, should not stop running. In another terminal, start the VPN session. Now I am interested in the output from the openvpn3-service-netcfg program.

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

Great, thank you for the detailed explanation. It was a bit hazy to me :)

sudo /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openvpn3-linux/openvpn3-service-netcfg --log-level 6 --log-file stdout: --idle-exit 0 --state-dir /var/lib/openvpn3

The output BEFORE running the openvpn3 session-start --config <CONFIG>.ovpn command is:

Loading configuration file: /var/lib/openvpn3/netcfg.json
2023-06-25 22:16:29  Network Configuration DEBUG: OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-netcfg)
OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
2023-06-25 22:16:29  Network Configuration DEBUG: Network Configuration service object ready
2023-06-25 22:16:29  Network Configuration WARNING: No DNS resolver has been configured
2023-06-25 22:16:29  Network Configuration DEBUG: NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
2023-06-25 22:16:29  Network Configuration VERB1: Redirect method: host-route

AFTER running it one line is added:

2023-06-25 22:16:42  Network Configuration INFO: Cleaning up resources for PID 16273.

And when cancled (Ctrl+C). One more line is added

2023-06-25 22:18:19  Network Configuration INFO: Cleaning up resources for PID 16273.

I have waited about a minute and a have before canceling it (seen from the logs)

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

I see one Warning (2023-06-25 22:16:29 Network Configuration WARNING: No DNS resolver has been configured) in the BEFORE running the command log.

dsommers commented 1 year ago

Okay, this is getting annoying ... so it seems that openvpn3-service-client is not even trying to get a virtual device created by openvpn3-service-netcfg.

The No DNS resolver has been configured is not unexpected. Normally on Ubu2204, the command line to start this service includes --systemd-resolved, but I wanted to take that out of the equation now. That is not needed to get the connection starting. It is the openvpn3-service-client doing the DNS lookup using standard libc calls to figure out which IP address to connect to. The --systemd-resolved argument is to tell netcfg to use the systemd-resolved service when configuring DNS resolvers pushed by the VPN server; we've not come that far yet.

Can you check if there are any D-Bus error messages via journalctl -u dbus --since today?

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

I see. Makes sense.


юни 25 21:38:34 <owner>-<company>-dell systemd[1]: Started D-Bus System Message Bus.
юни 25 21:38:34 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: dbus[1271]: Unknown group "power" in message bus configuration file
юни 25 21:38:34 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] AppArmor D-Bus mediation is enabled
юни 25 21:38:34 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.3' (uid=0 pid=1273 comm="/usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:34 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.Accounts' unit='accounts-daemon.service' requested by ':1.14' (uid=0 pid=1433 comm="/usr/sbin/gdm3 " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:34 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.network1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service' requested by ':1.19' (uid=0 pid=1500 comm="/usr/bin/networkctl list --no-pager --no-legend " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:34 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service': Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service not found.
юни 25 21:38:34 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.Accounts'
юни 25 21:38:34 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
юни 25 21:38:35 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1' unit='rtkit-daemon.service' requested by ':1.26' (uid=125 pid=1686 comm="/usr/bin/pipewire " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:35 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1'
юни 25 21:38:35 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.UPower' unit='upower.service' requested by ':1.32' (uid=0 pid=1322 comm="/usr/sbin/thermald --systemd --dbus-enable --adapt" label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:35 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service' requested by ':1.3' (uid=0 pid=1273 comm="/usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:35 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher'
юни 25 21:38:35 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.UPower'
юни 25 21:38:36 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.locale1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service' requested by ':1.35' (uid=125 pid=1763 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='net.hadess.PowerProfiles' unit='power-profiles-daemon.service' requested by ':1.35' (uid=125 pid=1763 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'power-profiles-daemon.service': Unit power-profiles-daemon.service is masked.
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.locale1'
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.GeoClue2' unit='geoclue.service' requested by ':1.35' (uid=125 pid=1763 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.PackageKit' unit='packagekit.service' requested by ':1.35' (uid=125 pid=1763 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.PackageKit'
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.GeoClue2'
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='net.reactivated.Fprint' unit='fprintd.service' requested by ':1.35' (uid=125 pid=1763 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.ColorManager' unit='colord.service' requested by ':1.56' (uid=125 pid=2211 comm="/usr/libexec/gsd-color " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.ColorManager'
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.reactivated.Fprint'
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='net.hadess.PowerProfiles' unit='power-profiles-daemon.service' requested by ':1.54' (uid=125 pid=2249 comm="/usr/libexec/gsd-power " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:37 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'power-profiles-daemon.service': Unit power-profiles-daemon.service is masked.
юни 25 21:38:39 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.timedate1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service' requested by ':1.65' (uid=0 pid=1298 comm="/usr/lib/snapd/snapd " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:39 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.timedate1'
юни 25 21:38:43 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='net.hadess.PowerProfiles' unit='power-profiles-daemon.service' requested by ':1.86' (uid=1000 pid=3058 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:43 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'power-profiles-daemon.service': Unit power-profiles-daemon.service is masked.
юни 25 21:38:44 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='net.hadess.PowerProfiles' unit='power-profiles-daemon.service' requested by ':1.104' (uid=1000 pid=4266 comm="/usr/libexec/gsd-power " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:44 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'power-profiles-daemon.service': Unit power-profiles-daemon.service is masked.
юни 25 21:38:44 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='net.hadess.PowerProfiles' unit='power-profiles-daemon.service' requested by ':1.111' (uid=1000 pid=4536 comm="/usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:38:44 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activation via systemd failed for unit 'power-profiles-daemon.service': Unit power-profiles-daemon.service is masked.
юни 25 21:38:45 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.fwupd' unit='fwupd.service' requested by ':1.117' (uid=1000 pid=4393 comm="/snap/snap-store/959/usr/bin/snap-store --gapplica" label="snap.snap-store.ubuntu-software (enforce)")
юни 25 21:38:47 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.fwupd'
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating service name='net.openvpn.v3.sessions' requested by ':1.125' (uid=1000 pid=7121 comm="openvpn3 session-start --config <config>.ovpn" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.sessions[7127]: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-sessionmgr)
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.sessions[7127]: OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.sessions[7127]: Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating service name='net.openvpn.v3.log' requested by ':1.126' (uid=139 pid=7127 comm="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openvpn3-linux/openvpn3-" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
                                                                         OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
                                                                         Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Log method: journald
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.log[7134]: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-logger)
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.log[7134]: OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.log[7134]: Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.log[7134]: Log method: journald
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Idle exit set to 10 minutes
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.openvpn.v3.log'
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:13791353632230719515}  [:1.126/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
юни 25 21:38:50 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.openvpn.v3.sessions'
юни 25 21:38:51 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating service name='net.openvpn.v3.configuration' requested by ':1.125' (uid=1000 pid=7121 comm="openvpn3 session-start --config <config>.ovpn" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
юни 25 21:38:51 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.configuration[7229]: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-configmgr)
юни 25 21:38:51 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.configuration[7229]: OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
юни 25 21:38:51 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.configuration[7229]: Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
юни 25 21:38:51 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:10638480047475808339}  [:1.129/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
юни 25 21:38:51 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.openvpn.v3.configuration'
юни 25 21:38:51 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:10638480047475808339} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating service name='net.openvpn.v3.backends' requested by ':1.126' (uid=139 pid=7127 comm="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openvpn3-linux/openvpn3-" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[7265]: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-backendstart)
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[7265]: OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[7265]: Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:2222412201115115687}  [:1.130/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.openvpn.v3.backends'
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[7270]: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-client)
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[7270]: OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[7270]: Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:7448328686180331828}  [:1.131/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:7479556496646594946}  [:1.131/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/311c0a03sef3es4819sb6d4sbb0e3172a7fa to {tag:7448328686180331828}
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating service name='net.openvpn.v3.netcfg' requested by ':1.131' (uid=139 pid=7270 comm="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openvpn3-linux/openvpn3-" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
юни 25 21:38:52 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.netcfg[7300]: Loading configuration file: /var/lib/openvpn3/netcfg.json
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:10187597673648787526}  [:1.132/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:728972578225270212}  [:1.132/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.netcfg[7300]: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-netcfg)
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.netcfg[7300]: OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.netcfg[7300]: Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:728972578225270212} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg'
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:10187597673648787526} Network Configuration service object ready
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:10187597673648787526} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:10187597673648787526} Redirect method: host-route
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:10187597673648787526} systemd-resolved DNS configuration backend
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:10187597673648787526} Cleaning up resources for PID 7270.
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Starting connection
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Using DNS resolver scope: global
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
юни 25 21:38:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
юни 25 21:38:54 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13791353632230719515} Starting connection
юни 25 21:38:54 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
юни 25 21:38:54 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} UNUSED OPTIONS
                                                                         8 [nobind]
                                                                         9 [persist-tun]
                                                                         20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
                                                                         22 [verb] [3]
юни 25 21:38:54 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 21:38:58 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:2222412201115115687}  [:1.130/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
юни 25 21:43:20 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
юни 25 21:43:40 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.timedate1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service' requested by ':1.65' (uid=0 pid=1298 comm="/usr/lib/snapd/snapd " label="unconfined")
юни 25 21:43:41 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.timedate1'
юни 25 21:44:52 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.configuration[7229]: openvpn3-service-configmgr starting idle shutdown (pid: 7229)
юни 25 21:44:52 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:10638480047475808339}  [:1.129/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
юни 25 21:47:42 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
юни 25 21:48:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:10187597673648787526}  [:1.132/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
юни 25 21:48:53 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:728972578225270212}  [:1.132/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
юни 25 21:52:04 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
юни 25 21:56:27 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
юни 25 22:00:49 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
юни 25 22:05:11 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
юни 25 22:09:33 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
юни 25 22:13:55 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} DNS bulk-resolve error on Host not found (authoritative)
юни 25 22:13:55 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:13:57 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='net.reactivated.Fprint' unit='fprintd.service' requested by ':1.86' (uid=1000 pid=3058 comm="/usr/bin/gnome-shell " label="unconfined")
юни 25 22:13:58 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.reactivated.Fprint'
юни 25 22:14:05 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:14:05 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:14:15 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:14:15 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:14:25 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:14:25 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:14:35 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:14:35 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:14:45 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:14:45 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:14:55 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:14:55 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:15:05 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:15:05 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:15:15 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:15:15 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:15:25 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:15:25 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:15:35 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:15:35 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:15:45 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:15:45 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:15:55 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:15:55 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:16:05 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:16:05 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:16:15 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:16:15 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:16:25 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...
юни 25 22:16:25 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Resolving
юни 25 22:16:29 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:14136786046828826941}  [:1.209/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
юни 25 22:16:29 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:3494641259459337076}  [:1.209/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
юни 25 22:16:29 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:3494641259459337076} OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
юни 25 22:16:29 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:14136786046828826941} Network Configuration service object ready
юни 25 22:16:29 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:14136786046828826941} No DNS resolver has been configured
юни 25 22:16:29 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:14136786046828826941} NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
юни 25 22:16:29 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:14136786046828826941} Redirect method: host-route
юни 25 22:16:33 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13791353632230719515} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
юни 25 22:16:33 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13791353632230719515} Disconnecting connection
юни 25 22:16:33 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Stopping connection
юни 25 22:16:33 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:7448328686180331828} Disconnected
юни 25 22:16:33 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:7448328686180331828}  [:1.131/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
юни 25 22:16:33 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:7479556496646594946}  [:1.131/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
юни 25 22:16:33 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:14136786046828826941} Cleaning up resources for PID 7270.
юни 25 22:16:35 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13791353632230719515} Session is closing
юни 25 22:16:40 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating service name='net.openvpn.v3.configuration' requested by ':1.210' (uid=1000 pid=16259 comm="openvpn3 session-start --config <config>.ovpn" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
юни 25 22:16:40 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.configuration[16263]: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-configmgr)
юни 25 22:16:40 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.configuration[16263]: OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
юни 25 22:16:40 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.configuration[16263]: Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
юни 25 22:16:40 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:15380722295643011048}  [:1.211/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
юни 25 22:16:40 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.openvpn.v3.configuration'
юни 25 22:16:40 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:15380722295643011048} Parsed persistent configuration '<config>.ovpn', owner: <owner>
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating service name='net.openvpn.v3.backends' requested by ':1.126' (uid=139 pid=7127 comm="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openvpn3-linux/openvpn3-" label="unconfined") (using servicehelper)
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[16268]: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-backendstart)
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[16268]: OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[16268]: Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:14002180001221096377}  [:1.212/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'net.openvpn.v3.backends'
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[16272]: Re-initiated process from pid 16272 to backend process pid 16273
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[16273]: OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-client)
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[16273]: OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.backends[16273]: Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:13867236200280104160}  [:1.213/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Attached: {tag:947548394929122404}  [:1.213/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Assigned session /net/openvpn/v3/sessions/f8066004s9025s4086sbaa1s9c1f248ca850 to {tag:13867236200280104160}
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.213' (uid=139 pid=16273 comm="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openvpn3-linux/openvpn3-" label="unconfined")
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13867236200280104160} Configuration override 'log-level' set to '6'
юни 25 22:16:41 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13867236200280104160} Configuration override 'persist-tun' set to True
юни 25 22:16:42 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:14136786046828826941} Cleaning up resources for PID 16273.
юни 25 22:16:42 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13867236200280104160} Starting connection
юни 25 22:16:42 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13867236200280104160} Using DNS resolver scope: global
юни 25 22:16:42 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13867236200280104160} [Connect] DCO flag: disabled
юни 25 22:16:42 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13867236200280104160} OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit OVPN-DCO
юни 25 22:16:42 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13791353632230719515} Starting connection
юни 25 22:16:42 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13867236200280104160} Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250
юни 25 22:16:42 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13867236200280104160} UNUSED OPTIONS
                                                                         8 [nobind]
                                                                         9 [persist-tun]
                                                                         20 [socket-flags] [TCP_NODELAY]
                                                                         22 [verb] [3]
юни 25 22:16:42 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13867236200280104160} Resolving
юни 25 22:16:47 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:14002180001221096377}  [:1.212/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
юни 25 22:18:19 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13791353632230719515} Session operation: Disconnect, requester:  <owner>
юни 25 22:18:19 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13791353632230719515} Disconnecting connection
юни 25 22:18:19 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13867236200280104160} Stopping connection
юни 25 22:18:19 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13867236200280104160} Disconnected
юни 25 22:18:19 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:13867236200280104160}  [:1.213/net.openvpn.v3.backends]
юни 25 22:18:19 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:947548394929122404}  [:1.213/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
юни 25 22:18:19 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:14136786046828826941} Cleaning up resources for PID 16273.
юни 25 22:18:21 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: {tag:13791353632230719515} Session is closing
юни 25 22:20:51 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.sessions[7127]: openvpn3-service-sessionmgr starting idle shutdown (pid: 7127)
юни 25 22:20:51 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:13791353632230719515}  [:1.126/net.openvpn.v3.sessions]
юни 25 22:22:40 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.configuration[16263]: openvpn3-service-configmgr starting idle shutdown (pid: 16263)
юни 25 22:22:40 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:15380722295643011048}  [:1.211/net.openvpn.v3.configuration]
юни 25 22:23:25 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:14136786046828826941}  [:1.209/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg]
юни 25 22:23:26 <owner>-<company>-dell openvpn3-service-logger[7134]: Detached: {tag:3494641259459337076}  [:1.209/net.openvpn.v3.netcfg.core]
юни 25 22:34:44 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.234' (uid=1000 pid=20475 comm="/usr/bin/baobab --gapplication-service " label="unconfined")
юни 25 22:34:44 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
юни 25 22:35:32 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' requested by ':1.237' (uid=1000 pid=20670 comm="/usr/bin/baobab --gapplication-service " label="unconfined")
юни 25 22:35:33 <owner>-<company>-dell dbus-daemon[1271]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1'
юни 25 22:38:51 <owner>-<company>-dell net.openvpn.v3.log[7134]: openvpn3-service-logger starting idle shutdown (pid: 7134)
dsommers commented 1 year ago

Can you try to take out all the remote lines with hostnames, and just leave the ones with only IP addresses? I see it still tries to resolve hostnames.

And provide the dbus.log again, please.

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

Hmmm, removed them

dev tun
remote 1194 udp
remote 1194 udp
remote 1194 udp
# remote 1194 udp
# remote 1194 udp
# remote 443 tcp
# remote 1194 udp
# remote 1194 udp
# remote 1194 udp
# remote 1194 udp
# remote 1194 udp
remote-cert-tls server
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA256
verb 3
socket-flags TCP_NODELAY

Still does not work but now I have some issues with sudo /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openvpn3-linux/openvpn3-service-netcfg --log-level 6 --log-file stdout: --idle-exit 0 --state-dir /var/lib/openvpn3 . It exits with the log:

Loading configuration file: /var/lib/openvpn3/netcfg.json
2023-06-25 22:51:08  Network Configuration DEBUG: OpenVPN 3 Core library logging initialized
OpenVPN3/Linux v20 (openvpn3-service-netcfg)
OpenVPN core v3.7.2 linux x86_64 64-bit
Copyright (C) 2012-2022 OpenVPN Inc. All rights reserved.
2023-06-25 22:51:08  Network Configuration DEBUG: Network Configuration service object ready
2023-06-25 22:51:08  Network Configuration WARNING: No DNS resolver has been configured
2023-06-25 22:51:08  Network Configuration DEBUG: NetCfg service registered on 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg': /net/openvpn/v3/netcfg
2023-06-25 22:51:08  Network Configuration VERB1: Redirect method: host-route
FATAL ERROR: Lost the D-Bus connection and the 'net.openvpn.v3.netcfg' bus name. Most likely related to an internal issue in dbus-daemon. Check if SELinux dbus_access_tuntap_device boolean is enabled, otherwise available audit logs.
dsommers commented 1 year ago

Okay, so the last FATAL ERROR: in this case means that there is another openvpn3-service-netcfg service running; which has been started automatically. The dbus.log should cover the details needed.

Can you also try to download a new VPN profile using a different region? Like Zurich or Amsterdam?

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

:O Wow. Amsterdam Worked!!! I am in the VPN now

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

Could I help with additional logs for further Debugging?

dsommers commented 1 year ago

I think you just needed a new VPN profile. There were no indication anywhere here that OpenVPN 3 Linux misbehaved. It tried to resolve the server hostnames, but didn't manage. For whatever reason; and that is actually outside the OpenVPN 3 Linux scope - it depends entirely on the system interfaces provided by (g)libc, which is a system library provided by the Linux distribution.

You could try to download a new VPN profile for Frankfurt again, and see if you have any luck there.

That said, I would recommend you to use openvpn3 config-import --persistent with the downloaded profiles. You can add the --name <YOUR_CONFIG_NAME> argument to give it a more suitable name for you. Then you just start the VPN by running openvpn3 session-start --config <YOUR_CONFIG_NAME>. Any settings you do via openvpn3 config-manage will then be preserved across boots; and you can even delete the download .ovpn files.

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

Great, thank you. I will try to download the Frankfurt configuration again.

vulkodava commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the help :)

dsommers commented 1 year ago

Please, can you also report this the support channel through the CloudConnexa web portal? (I believe there should be something there), otherwise go via

This will allow our server side engineers to have a look if there are some issues with your profile. This is especially important if the new Frankfurt profile fails again. Please refer to this GH issue; our guys should know who I am here.

I'm closing this, and will move it to a support discussion since this wasn't really a bug in OpenVPN 3 Linux.