OpenVPN / ovpn-dco-win

OpenVPN Data Channel Offload driver for Windows
MIT License
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Citrix DNE Lightweight Filter break DCO adapter #31

Closed oyarzun closed 1 year ago

oyarzun commented 1 year ago

I upgraded to OpenVPN 2.6 and my connection was failing. Disabling DCO allowed the VPN to connect. After some debugging I discover the DCO adapter was visible in the Device Manager, Control Panel Network Adapters, but not in ipconfig /all.

Initially I thought it was because OpenVPN Interactive service was crashing each time I started the VPN, but that seemed to be caused by block-outside-dns after it failed to configure the interface. Commenting out block-outside-dns stopped the service from crashing.

I ended fixing the adapter not showing up in ipconfig, by uninstalling OpenVPN and uninstalling Sonicwall Global VPN Client, reboot, then reinstalling OpenVPN.

I'm not sure this is a bug in the adapter, but figured it might help some else who might be having the same or similar problem.

lstipakov commented 1 year ago

Are you saying interactive service crashes with block-outside-dns if Sonicwall Global VPN Client is installer?

oyarzun commented 1 year ago

@lstipakov yes the interactive service was crashing in the following situation:

  1. Sonciwall Global VPN Client installed, but not running.
  2. OpenVPN config was attempting to use the DCO adapter
  3. block-outside-dns was in the client config.
  4. The DCO adapter was missing from ipconfig.

If I commented out block-outside-dns and the other 3 conditions still applied, the service would not crash. But the VPN connection would not work since it never completed setting up the interface.

lstipakov commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I'll install Sonicwall Global VPN Client and try to reproduce the issue. May I ask you to provide openvpn log, with "verb 4" in config? Also could you check if there are any interactive service-related errors in Windows Event Logs?

oyarzun commented 1 year ago

I was able to replicate the issue by:

  1. uninstalling openvpn
  2. installing sonicwall
  3. installing openvpn

Here is what I found in the event viewer regarding the openvpnserv.exe crash:

Fault bucket 1481040186744968023, type 4
Event Name: APPCRASH
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: openvpnserv.exe
P3: 63d14fc1
P4: fwpuclnt.dll
P5: 10.0.19041.2486
P6: 871f7448
P7: c0000005
P8: 000000000000a908

Attached files:

These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol: 
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: ba797b67-0cd2-43a9-8bae-ff03ca1648f5
Report Status: 268435456
Hashed bucket: 278bffa4208dda63048db633f5031357
Cab Guid: 0

Here is the log file ovpn-sonicwall-otc.log

Note: After doing this, I only needed to remove the sonicwall client to get the DCO adapter to show up in ipconfig and the VPN connection works. I did not have to remove/reinstall OpenVPN.

lstipakov commented 1 year ago

@oyarzun Thank you, I was able to reproduce the issue with DCO adapter being semi-functional when Sonicwall client is installed. I will look into that. Meanwhile could you check if this workaround works for you?

lstipakov commented 1 year ago

So we have two issues here:

oyarzun commented 1 year ago
  • in Control Panel, go to DCO adapter settings and on the "Network" tab uncheck "DNE LightWeight filter"

Thanks, I can confirm that this works around the issue.

lstipakov commented 1 year ago

Will close when I005 is published.

lstipakov commented 1 year ago

Fixed in 2.6.0-I005.