OpenVPN / tap-windows6

Windows TAP driver (NDIS 6)
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How to install multiple taps & naming etc #110

Closed duaneellissd closed 4 years ago

duaneellissd commented 4 years ago

I need to install 4 identical taps, so that I can create 4 different interfaces.

Background I need to create 4 SLIP network adapters on windows, ie: "tap-tun -> SERIALPORT" - If there is an existing solution - great - but I can't find one.

Known and Unknown

The output I get is this:

c:\Program Files\TAP-Windows\bin>tapinstall install ..\driver\OemVista.inf  tap0001
Device node created. Install is complete when drivers are installed...
Updating drivers for tap0001 from c:\Program Files\TAP-Windows\driver\OemVista.inf.
tapinstall failed.

c:\Program Files\TAP-Windows\bin>
mattock commented 4 years ago

@rozmansi may be able to tell if PR helps resolve this kind of challenges.

schwabe commented 4 years ago

the id is always tap0901 iirc. You are trying to install a different driver with changing the id: See also here

You probably want to use tapctl to create multiple adapters.

duaneellissd commented 4 years ago

Thanks @schwabe - that sounds like what I want.

In my case I have 1 PC, with a number of USB-SERIAL devices (radios) I want to create one tap for each radio.

Problem/Question: where do I find "tapctrl.exe" - it is not included with the installer/exe.

It would be most helpful if it was included in the tap installer (EXE) but it is not.

rozmansi commented 4 years ago

tapctl.exe will be deployed starting with the OpenVPN 2.5.

duaneellissd commented 4 years ago

@rozmansi - Thanks for the update.