OpenVPN / tap-windows6

Windows TAP driver (NDIS 6)
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Question, can we install/add or update a single interface without affect other interfaces? #227 #130

Open lygstate opened 3 years ago

lygstate commented 3 years ago

Like through registry or other means?

Currently, when more and more tap interfaces are created, the creating procedure are slower and slower cause everytime creating interface, it's would affect all interfaces

selvanair commented 3 years ago

If all exisitng adapters use the same driver as the one selected for the new one, previous adapters are not restarted. In other words, a running tunnel should not get interrupted. This is how tapctl.exe installs it (at least as in ~ beta4 and later). Driver update is done during the msi installation.

If you use tapinstall (or devcon), the driver is selected using the inf file on command line and its forced -- meaning existng adapters are restarted as the driver may change. The restart happens even if the driver does not really change. That will cause an interruption of any active tunnels.

That said, in both cases windows does an enumeration of existing adapters to decide a device restart is required or not, and this could be slow. We're just using the driver setup API.