OpenVPN / tap-windows6

Windows TAP driver (NDIS 6)
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VCRUNTIME missing when installing tap driver #134

Closed shkpk closed 3 years ago

shkpk commented 3 years ago

I recently compiled tap driver and made package with NSIS as written in README file. However installation of .exe failed on some windows machine with VCRUNTIME error which is because those machines do not have vc_redist package not installed already.

Any idea how this can be resolved? NSIS should be adding dependencies in exe.

mattock commented 3 years ago

I vaguely recall we had the same problem years ago. Cannot remember how it was resolved. I also could not find any traces of the issue from our bug tracker.

mattock commented 3 years ago

Well, to be honest I can recall if the problem was with tap-windows(6) or OpenVPN.

shkpk commented 3 years ago

Problem seems to be when compiling devcon.exe from I used pre-built devcon.exe from EWDK 2017, and this error is gone.

shkpk commented 3 years ago

@mattock Apparently this commit doesnt work as it should.

mattock commented 3 years ago

As mentioned in the commit comments the commit/patch for Windows-driver-samples is currently working ok for us. Otherwise we'd have a flood of user complaints. But it is possible that some WDK versions manage do not interpret the settings correctly and cause the vc_redist issue to reappear.

shkpk commented 3 years ago

@mattock yes, i figured out. your commit is good, there was problem with WDK I was using. Closing this ticket.