OpenVPN / tap-windows6

Windows TAP driver (NDIS 6)
788 stars 237 forks source link

several packaging improvements #24

Closed chipitsine closed 7 years ago

chipitsine commented 7 years ago

not sure about bumping version

mattock commented 7 years ago

I opened a pull request that adds build number to the tap-windows6 installer. While that is not directly related to this PR, it would be good to get it merged a.s.a.p. That would allow us to merge PRs like this one, which only touches .nsi files, and create an distinguishably named installer based on it.

chipitsine commented 7 years ago

can we merge it now?

mattock commented 7 years ago

@chipitsine : as mentioned as a line comment, makensis complains about an uninitialized variable ("PRODUCT_PUBLISHER"). Once that issue is fixed this PR is ready to be merged. You could add the variable to version.m4 or just remove the offending line in the .nsi file.

chipitsine commented 7 years ago

sorry, I did miss that line comment.

fixed, thanks