OpenVPN / tap-windows6

Windows TAP driver (NDIS 6)
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WHLK testing status #69

Open agrawalamit2005 opened 5 years ago

agrawalamit2005 commented 5 years ago


Hass anybody tried WHLK (kit 1804) testing for corresponding driver on windows 10 client machine. In my attempt, i am encountering basic PNP Device removal test failure. any suggestion to solve.

Thanks Amit

mattock commented 5 years ago

Are you referring to HLK tests that are needed to get WHQL certification for the tap-windows6 driver? If yes, then the answer is yes. There are multiple issues in the HLK tests that needed to be resolved and we're working on them.

agrawalamit2005 commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot!

1) Can it is be assumed that HLK tests not only for win10 but also for win7/8/8.1 has issues. For win7//8/8.1, i am trying with windows hardware certification Kit for windows8.1

2) It is understood that some new compliance from Microsoft might be causing test failure. Is there any version of (may be old) HCK, which can be utilized to pass result for target client win7/8/8.1.

Thanks for prompt response.

mattock commented 5 years ago

@agrawalamit2005 unless you're interested in WHQL certification for its own sake, you can cover Windows 10 with a so-called attestation signature. For earlier Windows versions (7/8/8.1/2012r2) you can use cross-signed certificates. It is only Windows Server 2016 and later server versions that actually force us to have WHQL certification before we get a proper driver signature.

Theoretically it would be best to go through all the test suites (HLK/HCR/WLK if I got the acronyms right). However, running the tests would be a major PITA and require a very large test setup.

mattock commented 5 years ago

I didn't really answer your question, so:

  1. Yes, there are almost certainly issues with HCR tests (Win7/8/8.1)
  2. I have no idea about this. I have not ever tried to run any WHQL test suite (HLK/HCR) on anything except Window Server 2016.
agrawalamit2005 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your response and support. I happen to see other thread on this topic at

I am wondering, if anybody aware about code change required to pass at least windows HCK 8.1 tests.

agrawalamit2005 commented 5 years ago

@mattock: Is this repo ready to pass WHQL test?

mattock commented 5 years ago

@agrawalamit2005 I'm running the HLK test suite in a physical HLK test environment now. Based on what I've heard from jamallx and sgstair it is possible to make all the mandatory tests pass. But I'm not there yet, as the tests seem somewhat unreliable and can put the HLK client/support machine into odd states from where they can't always recover without manual invervention (e.g. a reboot). I'll continue running the tests throughout this week.

agrawalamit2005 commented 5 years ago

@mattock : One more followup question. Have you ever heard of issue of trust of TAP driver on win7 UEFI enabled. if win7 is booted with UEFI enabled, OS doesn't trust either cross-signed driver nor Attested sign driver. Any suggestion?

mattock commented 5 years ago

@agrawalamit2005 I have not heard about that Windows 7 / UEFI problem. Is there any official documentation about it?

As for HLK tests. The only test that keeps on failing (at least in my environment) is the two-machine E2EPerf test. I've combed the HLK logs for any insights and tried a large number of potential fixes and workaround to no avail. Usually the test fails when analyzing the 128k TCP traffic results, but rarely it may get past that and starts sending 4k TCP traffic. Basically it errors out with something like "Traffic stream [1/2/3/4] did not send long enough", with a varying number (1-3) of these streams failing at any given time.

I believe I managed to make the E2EPerf test pass at least one using an older driver build, but I could not find log files for the passed run. If anyone has logs for a passed E2EPerf run I could compare those to my failed runs and try to figure out what the difference is.

sdbcs commented 1 year ago

The E2EPerf test is failing in my setup as well for Server 2016 and Server 2019. Testing with Windows 10 and Windows 11 passes the E2EPerf test. If I have news on this I'll post it here.