OpenVoiceOS / ovos-installer

Open Voice OS and/or HiveMind installer using Ansible with an intuitive and easy Text-based User Interface
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Updating box in #54

Closed unfirthman closed 4 months ago

unfirthman commented 4 months ago


When finishing an install of en-us the whiptail box does not allow the user to view all of the text. Scroll is not available. This is visible via the final screenshot in the readme

I would like to try increasing the height of the whiptail box to include this extra text. I believe the relevant change would be to alter

whiptail --msgbox --ok-button "$OK_BUTTON" --title "$TITLE" "$CONTENT" 25 80

by increasing 25 to 35 like this

whiptail --msgbox --ok-button "$OK_BUTTON" --title "$TITLE" "$CONTENT" 35 80

However, I am having trouble configuring a test environment where I can test this change. How does one configure a test environment to check a whiptail box?

I apologize if this is a lot to ask! I figured it would be quicker for me to learn now - or someone can enlighten me on the proper process to help in this way.

Thank you!

goldyfruit commented 4 months ago

Fixed, feel free to re-open if not :)