OpenVoiceOS / ovos-installer

Open Voice OS and/or HiveMind installer using Ansible with an intuitive and easy Text-based User Interface
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Rpi5 with Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm --> not related to OVOS-installer but maybe helpful for others #57

Closed timonvanhasselt closed 4 months ago

timonvanhasselt commented 4 months ago

I don't think it's related to OVOS or the installer, but after imaging a SD card with Bookworm lite/ full with the default Wayland + waywfire I had no display connection via HDMI. Only after changing to x11 + open box via raspi-config the screen worked. After adding video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080 (or other resolution) on the same line in /boot/firmware/cmdline.txtthe screen is working with both wayland and/or x11 and open box.

goldyfruit commented 4 months ago

Fixed by