OpenVoiceOS / ovos-installer

Open Voice OS and/or HiveMind installer using Ansible with an intuitive and easy Text-based User Interface
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request - OCP options #96

Closed JarbasAl closed 1 month ago

JarbasAl commented 1 month ago

i think OCP should be moved to an extra, like GUI and skills

if OCP is not installed mycroft.conf should also be updated

audio plugins are

i will assume "vlc" is used as the default, as it can handle more streams, but it could also be "simple"

    "enable_old_audioservice": true,
    "disable_ocp": true,
    "Audio": {
        "default-backend": "vlc"

OCP should only be installed on setups with a GUI like the mk2 IMHO

voice satellites must use the config above, headless devices also recommended to use the above, but OCP will work there even without GUI

JarbasAl commented 1 month ago

probably should wait for to be merged first

goldyfruit commented 1 month ago

OCP has been added already but I might move it with the extra skills as this is required by TuneIn or Pyradios skills.

JarbasAl commented 1 month ago

OCP has been added already ab7da15 but I might move it with the extra skills as this is required by TuneIn or Pyradios skills.

i saw it, thats why i mentioned it, the companion config changes should also be done (if OCP is NOT installed)

note that the skills do not require OCP plugin at all, if the pipeline is enabled in config

goldyfruit commented 1 month ago

Then I will remove the plugin from this release as well as the TuneIn skill to the next `ovos-installer release. :+1:

goldyfruit commented 1 month ago

Since got merged I added back ovos-ocp-audio-plugin plugin.