OpenVoiceOS / ovos-releases

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How do we do this? #1

Open JarbasAl opened 6 months ago

JarbasAl commented 6 months ago

discussion started here!$hXMAVM8fH4q9OqStAf_-hK7zqWuw0ngnAM5gfpbfSps?

the main idea is this repo containing git submodules of all other ovos-packages, then a tagged branch for each release

lbt commented 6 months ago

Lets start by making an empty repo. I'll pull together a PR for the submodules and maybe some docs and we can hash out that bit. I would first of all integrate this into the raspbian-ovos script and go from there

JarbasAl commented 6 months ago

ovos-docker and ovos-installer likely should be the first to adopt this

lbt commented 6 months ago

feature branch proposal: All changes that involve more than one repo should be a feature branch. (eg cross-branch pip version dependencies) That feature branch is then added to all repos that need to be modified. Once the feature branch installs cleanly then it can be merged to dev on ovos-releases and this will merge the feature branches on all submodules to dev too.

lbt commented 6 months ago

useful branches proposal: There will be 3 main branches: stable, testing, dev

After we get a stable release, the stable branch will change for at least one image and be called "stable" and only bug fixes there

testing might not necessariyl correspond to dev branches in other packages, testing would be the place the latest dev branches get approved before users see them

dev will automatically reflect the dev branch of all submodules

JarbasAl commented 6 months ago

the proposals above are very much aligned with what I had in mind :+1:

hadn't quite thought about the feature branches and using submodules this way, but it makes a lot of sense

goldyfruit commented 6 months ago

Not sure ovos-installer is a good candidate for that as it deploys HiveMind and OVOS which have different release cycles.

mikejgray commented 6 months ago

Not quite sure I'm following how to keep the branches matched across all the different repos, and git submodules always make me itch...would someone please explain the branch proposals in more detail (maybe use pictures)?

JarbasAl commented 6 months ago

@lbt are you planning on sending PRs to get this rolling and better illustrate how you see this working?

we are preparing for 0.0.8 release so it is time to define this process :)

I am in agreement with this approach in principle, but feel i have failed to explain to everyone else in chat how this actually looks like in practice so a PR would help to visualize things

lbt commented 6 months ago

yes - first couple of weeks at a new job have pulled me away. I'll have this done this weekend :)

JarbasAl commented 6 months ago


on the individual repo level we got this rolling in the meantime

so each repo should have proper branches soon to be used here as submodules