OpenWatch / FFmpegWrapper

A lightweight Objective-C wrapper for some FFmpeg libav functions
179 stars 54 forks source link

A few tiny suggestions #2

Open charlieMonroe opened 10 years ago

charlieMonroe commented 10 years ago


the wrapper looks awesome - generally all one should need on iOS for some tiny conversions!

I have two small tiny feature requests:

1) Add a way to cancel the conversion. Either from the progressBlock (see -[NSArray enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:], where the block has another parameter BOOL *stop), or by adding a cancel method onto the FFmpegWrapper class, which would simply mark the instance as cancelled FFmpegWrapper would check in the while cycle whether the conversion is cancelled.

2) Add support for multiple input files at once - most useful usecase for this would be merging a video and audio track together.

