OpenWatch / OpenWatch-Android

A next generation OpenWatch client for Android devices
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Gradle error building in Android Studio #10

Open mjjohnson opened 9 years ago

mjjohnson commented 9 years ago

I checked out the productflavors branch (because it was the most up to date) and used Android Studio (1.0.1) to import OpenWatch (using "Open an existing Android Studio project" from the launch screen). When I did so, I got a gradle error:

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring project ':OpenWatch'.
> Configuration with name 'default' not found.

Looking in the Android Studio logs, I found a large stack trace, which I pasted here:

Any ideas on what I may have done wrong, or how to fix this error?

OnlyInAmerica commented 9 years ago

Did you definitely clone with --recursive or otherwise initialize all of the submodules?

mjjohnson commented 9 years ago

I just tried again to see what would happen, and --recursive gave me a bunch of output about submodules getting checked out correctly. But then it gave me the following errors:

Unable to checkout '37c548417fde106053c096f62b5381036a8461e6' in submodule path 'libraries/ActionBar-PullToRefresh'
Unable to checkout '21b2f5f420ac684ae58c07ef83d7e2c5fc4ddec8' in submodule path 'libraries/ActionBarSherlock'
Unable to checkout '579871558fb01b84ea95e62a3acd3188f686ef41' in submodule path 'libraries/Android-Universal-Image-Loader'
Unable to checkout '563b5b6d94e728c6c3fbeeeb78a6ddb5cdfe482d' in submodule path 'libraries/android-async-http'
Unable to checkout '51967d3a2cd408e21308bba6b8562af8a7b3fb9d' in submodule path 'libraries/facebook-android-sdk'

(the full output is here:

(This is just on the master brach by default; I don't know if that makes a difference here.)

xloem commented 4 years ago

This worked fine for me with git submodule update --init. Future error report should paste the whole run of git, rather than an excerpt.