OpenWaterAnalytics / EPANET

The Water Distribution System Hydraulic and Water Quality Analysis Toolkit
MIT License
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Long node ID for quality tracing issue #749

Closed JPL-BELG closed 10 months ago

JPL-BELG commented 10 months ago

I encounter a problem when using the Toolkit with a quality tracing run (section [OPTIONS], line “QUALITY TRACE”). When the node ID in the INP file is longer than 13 characters, I receive an error message.

Example : -) if trace node ID is 1234567890123 (13 characters) : everything is OK -) if trace node ID is 12345678901234567890 (20 characters) in the INP file, an error is reported in the report file as follows:

INP file [OPTIONS] ... QUALITY TRACE 12345678901234567890

Report file Error 212: undefined trace node 567890 in [OPTIONS] section: QUALITY TRACE 12345678901234567890 Error 200: one or more errors in input file

This occurs only with the toolkit not with EPANET.

Thanks for your opinion.

LRossman commented 10 months ago

I was unable to reproduce this error. Attached is the input file I used to test for it, a modified version of Net1.inp with reservoir node 9 re-named to 12345678901234567890 and specified as the trace node. The toolkit code I used is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "epanet2_2.h"

int main()
    EN_Project ph;
    int errCode, qualType, traceNode;
    char traceNodeID[EN_MAXID + 1];

    printf("EPANET Trace Test\n");
    errCode = EN_open(ph, "net1-mod.inp", "net1-mod.rpt", "");
    printf("\nEN_open returns error code = %d\n", errCode);
    if (!errCode)
        EN_getqualtype(ph, &qualType, &traceNode);
        EN_getnodeid(ph, traceNode, traceNodeID);
        printf("Trace node ID = %s\n", traceNodeID);
    return 0;

The result from running this code is:

EPANET Trace Test

EN_open returns error code = 0
Trace node ID = 12345678901234567890

JPL-BELG commented 10 months ago

Thanks @LRossman. The issue should come from my side. I take a deeper look on my own code and come back.

JPL-BELG commented 10 months ago

It seems that the issue could come from the INP file, line QUALITY TRACE 12345678901234567890

In my INP file, I put only one blank character (space) between QUALITY and TRACE. If I put 12 blank characters between the two words, it seems to works with different long node IDs. If I use the "Net1-mod.inp" file you attached with only one blank between "Quality" and "Trace", the problem occurs.

Thanks to confirm the diagnostic.

JPL-BELG commented 10 months ago

I accidently close the issue and not sure to be able to reopen it...

LRossman commented 10 months ago

In the "Net1-mod.inp" file I created to test for the trace node ID bug I failed to rename node 9 in the [COORDINATES] section to 12345678901234567890. If you use v2.2 of the Toolkit this will result in an "Undefined node" error when it reads that line of the file. But the test I ran was with the devbranch (v2.3) of the Toolkit, where errors in the [COORDINATES] section are now simply ignored since they don't affect the engine computations. I went back and ran my test code against v2.2 of the Toolkit with a corrected "Net1-mod.inp" file and got the same result as before -- there was no problem in using a trace node with a long ID name.

@JPL-BELG can you share your input file that is causing the problem.

JPL-BELG commented 10 months ago

I noticed that the coordinates were missing and added them with epanet stand-alone. I also test the file with the dev branch (v2.3) of the Toolkit (recompiled). Here attached the file: Net1-mod_JPL01a.inp with the followng line in the [OPTIONS] section: Quality Trace 12345678901234567890 (no blank character at the beginning and only one blank between tokens). I ran the type of same code as you (see below) with (i) the INP file you attached (Net1-mod.inp) and with (ii) Net1-mod_JPL01a.inp I attached.

Results are as follows:

Data file : C:\Data\DelphiXE7\RESODO\Essai\QualLongName\Net1-mod.inp
Error code : 0

Data file : C:\Data\DelphiXE7\RESODO\Essai\QualLongName\Net1-mod_JPL01a.inp
Error code : 200

For the Net1-mod_JPL01a.inp file, here is the report file.

  Page 1                                    Mon Sep 11 16:02:11 2023

  *                           E P A N E T                          *
  *                   Hydraulic and Water Quality                  *
  *                   Analysis for Pipe Networks                   *
  *                         Version 2.3                            *

  Error 212: undefined trace node 567890 in [OPTIONS] section:
  Quality Trace 12345678901234567890

  Error 200: one or more errors in input file

as you can see, I use de v2.3 of the Toolkit. Notice that I use Pascal Delphi together with "epanet2.pas". Here is the code:

procedure TForm1.BBExecuteClick(Sender: TObject);
  Code: Integer;
  sPath: String;
  sReportFile: String;


  Code:=ENopen( PANSIChar(ANSIString(DataFile)),
  MInfo.Lines.Add('Error code : '+IntToStr(Code));



When adding enough blank characters between "Quality" and "Trace", it is OK.

LRossman commented 10 months ago

@JPL-BELG I have confirmed the bug by copying your "Quality Trace 12345678901234567890" line into my Net1-mod.inp file, where there are now just single spaces between tokens, and running it through my test C code (so it's not just a Delphi issue). I will work on fixing it and report back. Thanks for reporting it.

LRossman commented 10 months ago

The bug has been fixed (see PR #750). It was caused by some unnecessary code that was overwriting the tokens parsed from the QUALITY TRACE nodeID line.

JPL-BELG commented 10 months ago

Thank you @LRossman. I re-compiled the dll v2.3 and it works fine.