OpenWaterFoundation / cdss-app-snodas-tools

Colorado's Decision Support Systems (CDSS) Snow Data Assimilation System (SNODAS) Tools
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Need to add Total basin products to time series products #12

Open smalers opened 7 years ago

smalers commented 7 years ago

Current products are for local basin. Steve needs to update the TSTool command file to also generate total basin products. The updated TSTool command file and graph templates should just drop into the existing files. Once uploaded the website needs to add links for the new products. An enhancement is listed under the website repo.

smalers commented 7 years ago

See related issue

You need to install the latest TSTool

You need to pull my changes down and then run the new TSTool command file. It has the same name as before. I updated the *.tsp files and added logic to create an upstream total product. Make sure that you put the v4 Excel file where the v3 version was. Get this running so it syncs files to Amazon. I had zero warnings and errors running TSTool so hopefully you see that. It takes awhile to run. There are two new graphs for UpstreamBasin, which show the total SWE volume for all basins upstream of each basin, inclusive of the basin.

When you get this working let Kory know so that he can work with the new files. You'll probably have to give him your files. I ran with old files to test.

egiles16 commented 7 years ago

The new TSTool command file was run with the current historical data (09/30/03 to 6/02/17). The command file was run after updating both the WatershedConnectivity excel file and the .tsp/tstool command files.

Unfortunately errors did occur. The errors are recorded in the TSTool log file,
Dropbox (OpenWaterFoundation)\OWF-proj-CO-CWCB-2016-SNODAS\Timeline\2017-05-31-BasinTotals\~$create-snodas-swe-graphs.TSTool.log. Delete this log file from Dropbox after the error has been resolved due to its large size.

The main errors that appeared in the ~$create-snodas-swe-graphs.TSTool.log are as follows: (1) java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space (2) rti.tscommandprocessor.core.TimeSeriesNotFoundException: Unknown input type or data store "null" for time series - don't know how to read time series using identifier "SCVC2U-UpstreamTotal-SNODAS-SWE-Volume-Day-2004"

Note that 11 LocalID-UpstreamTotal-SNODAS-SWE-Volume.png graphs were correctly produced in the output folder. This makes me think that the error is related to the large amount of data stored in memory.