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Create a form / template that allows people to email their rep more easily #67

Open phae opened 10 months ago

phae commented 10 months ago

Type of Change


Check this out:

What would be useful is if we could create a form in this style to help people more readily contact their representative. Obviously, this is a little trickier than the mysociety one (it's UK only) because of the global nature of the work, but we could potentially only use it during specific drives, targeted to specific countries as and when we need it.

An MVP of this would simply be to publish a standard letter template on the /get-involved page with links to existing sites to lookup who to send it to in each region currently being targeted, that people can copy and send themselves via email or snail mail.

nickchomey commented 8 months ago

I like this a lot - reducing friction is the key to getting people to take new actions.

As for an automated form vs manual copy/print, surely there should be the manual template available. And I'm skeptical about the value of an email form - all emails would be sent from the OWA email address, perhaps 2ith the user email cc'd.

I also wonder about the potential impact of many individual letters sent versus one that is co-signed by many. If the latter, would something like be useful at all to create many country-specific petitions? Surely they have little effect on their own, but if coupled with a marketing/media "get out the vote" effort to get some attention and coverage, it could be helpful.

Whatever the medium, it would be probably useful to define the following

I also wonder if it could be framed as a sort of UN Human Rights sort of thing rather than just competition? As you all know quite well, reduced browser choice leads to developers favoring native apps over (progressive) web apps, which can lead to enormous exclusion. Such a framing could both open up more targets/allies (eg the UN and other human rights orgs), as well as add a stronger pathos argument to the existing ethos and logos ones.

libreom commented 8 months ago

This is cool, also a list of regulators like CCI(India),maybe regional MPs of some countries can help with a draft email