OpenXRay / xray-16

Improved version of the X-Ray Engine, the game engine used in the world-famous S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series by GSC Game World. Join OpenXRay! ;)
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[linux] - last commit - the shaders seem to be FUBAR at the engine start, but then it apparently looks fine #1324

Open BielBdeLuna opened 1 year ago

BielBdeLuna commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug something changed in the shaders, lots (and i mean lots more than 1000 lines of shader code!) fail, in the game the screen apparently works fine but:

as the engine launches before the UI starts there are thousands of line of shader code singaling massive Errors.

To Reproduce just start the engine

Expected behavior no shader errors

Screenshots none

BugTrap error report

the shaders that fail...

``` - 1 CreateShader: \home\biel\.local\share\GSC Game World\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call of Pripyat\gamedata\shaders\gl\ is missing. Replacing it with ! shader compilation failed: gl\\2048111100110000000000001000001411113321111000000001 ! error: 0:25(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro USE_MINMAX_SM - 2 ! shader compilation failed: gl\\2048111100110000000000001000001411113321111000000001 ! error: 0:24(9): preprocessor error: Redefinition of macro USE_MINMAX_SM ```

I can't reproduce the whole error message because github doesn't allow bugs with the body of text with more that 65536 characters (!)

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context none

Xottab-DUTY commented 1 year ago

Could you attach your user.ltx file?

BielBdeLuna commented 1 year ago

my system:

* GPU vendor: [AMD] device: [AMD Radeon Vega 10 Graphics (raven, LLVM 15.0.7, DRM 3.49, 6.2.0-20-generic)]
* GPU OpenGL version: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 23.0.2
* GPU OpenGL shading language version: 4.60

``` _preset Extreme ai_aim_max_angle 0.7854 ai_aim_min_angle 0.19635 ai_aim_min_speed 0.19635 ai_aim_predict_time 0.4 ai_aim_use_smooth_aim 1 ai_die_in_anomaly 0 ai_use_old_vision 0 ai_use_torch_dynamic_lights on default_controls bind left kLEFT bind right kRIGHT bind up kUP bind down kDOWN bind forward kW bind back kS bind lstrafe kA bind rstrafe kD bind llookout kQ bind rlookout kE bind jump kSPACE bind crouch kC bind accel kLSHIFT bind sprint_toggle kX bind cam_zoom_in kADD bind cam_zoom_out kSUBTRACT bind torch kL bind night_vision kN bind show_detector kO bind wpn_1 k1 bind wpn_2 k2 bind wpn_3 k3 bind wpn_4 k4 bind wpn_5 k5 bind wpn_6 k6 bind artefact k7 bind wpn_next kY bind wpn_fire mouse1 bind wpn_zoom mouse2 bind wpn_reload kR bind wpn_func kV bind wpn_firemode_prev k9 bind wpn_firemode_next k0 bind pause kPAUSE bind drop kG bind use kF bind scores kTAB bind chat kCOMMA bind chat_team kPERIOD bind screenshot kF12 bind enter kRETURN bind quit kESCAPE bind console kGRAVE bind inventory kI bind buy_menu kB bind skin_menu kO bind team_menu kU bind active_jobs kP bind vote_begin kF5 bind vote kF6 bind vote_yes kF7 bind vote_no kF8 bind speech_menu_1 kZ bind quick_use_1 kF1 bind quick_use_2 kF2 bind quick_use_3 kF3 bind quick_use_4 kF4 bind quick_save kF5 bind quick_load kF9 bind_gpad look_around gpAXIS_RIGHT bind_gpad move_around gpAXIS_LEFT bind_gpad jump gpA bind_gpad crouch_toggle gpB bind_gpad torch gpRIGHT_STICK bind_gpad wpn_fire gpAXIS_TRIGGER_RIGHT bind_gpad wpn_zoom gpAXIS_TRIGGER_LEFT bind_gpad wpn_reload gpX bind_gpad use gpY bind_gpad enter gpSTART bind_gpad quit gpBACK bind_gpad inventory gpRIGHT_SHOULDER bind_gpad active_jobs gpLEFT_SHOULDER bind_gpad quick_use_1 gpDPAD_UP bind_gpad quick_use_2 gpDPAD_RIGHT bind_gpad quick_use_3 gpDPAD_DOWN bind_gpad quick_use_4 gpDPAD_LEFT bind_sec enter kNUMPADENTER cam_inert 0. cam_slide_inert 0.25 cl_cod_pickup_mode 1 cl_dynamiccrosshair on cl_mpdemosave 0 con_sensitive 0.15 dbg_load_pre_c5ef6c7_saves 0 draw_downloads 0 fov 67.5 g_always_use_attitude_sensors off g_autopickup on g_backrun on g_corpsenum 10 g_crouch_toggle on g_dynamic_music on g_eventdelay 0 g_first_person_death 0 g_game_difficulty gd_master g_important_save on g_inv_highlight_equipped 0 g_language eng g_loading_stages off g_multi_item_pickup on g_normalize_mouse_sens 0 g_normalize_upgrade_mouse_sens 0 g_sleep_time 3 g_unload_ammo_after_pick_up 0 gamepad_invert_y off gamepad_sensor_deadzone 0.005 gamepad_sensor_sens 0.5 gamepad_sensors_enable on gamepad_stick_deadzone 15. gamepad_stick_sens 0.02 hud_crosshair on hud_crosshair_dist off hud_draw on hud_fov 0.45 hud_info on hud_left_handed off hud_weapon on keypress_on_start 1 mm_mm_net_srv_dedicated off mm_net_con_publicserver off mm_net_con_spectator 20 mm_net_con_spectator_on off mm_net_filter_empty on mm_net_filter_full on mm_net_filter_listen on mm_net_filter_pass on mm_net_filter_wo_ff on mm_net_filter_wo_pass on mm_net_srv_gamemode st_deathmatch mm_net_srv_maxplayers 32 mm_net_srv_name Stalker mm_net_srv_reinforcement_type reinforcement mm_net_weather_rateofchange 1. mouse_invert off mouse_sens 0.081 net_cl_icurvesize 0 net_cl_icurvetype 0 net_cl_interpolation 0.1 net_cl_log_data off net_compressor_enabled 0 net_compressor_gather_stats 0 net_dbg_dump_export_obj 0 net_dbg_dump_import_obj 0 net_dbg_dump_update_read 0 net_dbg_dump_update_write 0 net_dedicated_sleep 5 net_sv_gpmode 0 net_sv_log_data off net_sv_pending_lim 3 net_sv_update_rate 30 ph_frequency 100. ph_iterations 18 r1_detail_textures off r1_dlights on r1_dlights_clip 50. r1_ffp off r1_ffp_lighting st_opt_ffp_lightmap r1_fog_luminance 1.1 r1_force_geomx 0 r1_glows_per_frame 16 r1_lmodel_lerp 0.1 r1_pps_u 0. r1_pps_v 0. r1_software_skinning 0 r1_ssa_lod_a 64. r1_ssa_lod_b 48. r1_tf_mipbias 0. r2_aa off r2_aa_break (0.800000, 0.100000, 0.000000) r2_aa_kernel 0.5 r2_aa_weight (0.250000, 0.250000, 0.000000) r2_allow_r1_lights off r2_detail_bump on r2_dof -1.250000,1.400000,600.000000 r2_dof_enable on r2_dof_kernel 5. r2_dof_sky 30. r2_exp_donttest_shad off r2_gi off r2_gi_clip 0.001 r2_gi_depth 3 r2_gi_photons 16 r2_gi_refl 0.9 r2_gloss_factor 4. r2_ls_bloom_fast off r2_ls_bloom_kernel_b 0.7 r2_ls_bloom_kernel_g 3. r2_ls_bloom_kernel_scale 0.7 r2_ls_bloom_speed 100. r2_ls_bloom_threshold 0.00001 r2_ls_depth_bias -0.0003 r2_ls_depth_scale 1.00001 r2_ls_dsm_kernel 0.7 r2_ls_psm_kernel 0.7 r2_ls_squality 1. r2_ls_ssm_kernel 0.7 r2_mblur 0.3 r2_mt_calculate 0 r2_mt_render 0 r2_parallax_h 0.02 r2_slight_fade 0.5 r2_smap_size 2048 r2_soft_particles on r2_soft_water on r2_ssa_lod_a 64. r2_ssa_lod_b 48. r2_ssao st_opt_high r2_ssao_blur off r2_ssao_half_data off r2_ssao_hbao off r2_ssao_hdao on r2_ssao_mode hdao r2_ssao_opt_data off r2_steep_parallax on r2_sun on r2_sun_depth_far_bias -0.00002 r2_sun_depth_far_scale 1. r2_sun_depth_near_bias 0.00001 r2_sun_depth_near_scale 1. r2_sun_details off r2_sun_far 100. r2_sun_focus on r2_sun_lumscale 1. r2_sun_lumscale_amb 1. r2_sun_lumscale_hemi 1. r2_sun_near 20. r2_sun_near_border 0.75 r2_sun_quality st_opt_high r2_sun_shafts st_opt_high r2_sun_tsm on r2_sun_tsm_bias -0.01 r2_sun_tsm_proj 0.3 r2_tf_mipbias 0. r2_tonemap on r2_tonemap_adaptation 1. r2_tonemap_amount 0.7 r2_tonemap_lowlum 0.0001 r2_tonemap_middlegray 1. r2_volumetric_lights on r2_wait_sleep 0 r2_wait_timeout 500 r2_zfill off r2_zfill_depth 0.25 r2em 0. r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces on r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_far 20. r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_near 5. r3_dynamic_wet_surfaces_sm_res 256 r3_gbuffer_opt on r3_minmax_sm on r3_msaa st_opt_off r3_msaa_alphatest st_opt_off r3_use_dx10_1 off r3_volumetric_smoke on r3_water_refl st_opt_ultra r3_water_refl_half_depth on r3_water_refl_jitter on r4_enable_tessellation on r4_wireframe off r__actor_shadow on r__detail_density 0.98 r__detail_height 1. r__detail_radius 49 r__dtex_range 50. r__geometry_lod 2. r__no_ram_textures off r__supersample 1 r__tf_aniso 16 r__wallmark_ttl 60. r__wallmarks_on_skeleton 0 renderer renderer_rgl rs_always_active off rs_c_brightness 1. rs_c_contrast 1. rs_c_gamma 1. rs_cam_pos off rs_fps on rs_fps_graph on rs_fullscreen on rs_refresh_60hz on rs_skeleton_update 32 rs_stats off rs_v_sync on rs_vis_distance 1.5 slot_0 medkit slot_1 bandage slot_2 antirad slot_3 conserva snd_acceleration on snd_cache_size 32 snd_device OpenAL Soft snd_efx on snd_precache_all on snd_targets 32 snd_volume_eff 1. snd_volume_music 0.5 sv_activated_return 0 sv_adm_menu_ban_time ? sv_adm_menu_ping_limit 25 sv_anomalies_enabled 1 sv_anomalies_length 3 sv_artefact_respawn_delta 30 sv_artefact_returning_time 45 sv_artefact_spawn_force 0 sv_artefact_stay_time 3 sv_artefacts_count 10 sv_auto_team_balance 0 sv_auto_team_swap 1 sv_bearercantsprint 0 sv_client_reconnect_time 3 sv_cta_runkup_to_arts_div 1 sv_dedicated_server_update_rate 100 sv_dmgblockindicator 1 sv_dmgblocktime 0 sv_dump_online_statistics_period 0 sv_forcerespawn 0 sv_fraglimit 10 sv_friendly_indicators 0 sv_friendly_names 0 sv_friendlyfire 1. sv_hail_to_winner_time 7 sv_invincible_time 5 sv_max_ping_limit 2000 sv_max_suspicious_actions 5 sv_pda_hunt 1 sv_reinforcement_time 15 sv_remove_corpse 1 sv_remove_weapon 1 sv_returnplayers 1 sv_rpoint_freeze_time 0 sv_saveconfigs 0 sv_savescreenshots 0 sv_shieldedbases 1 sv_show_player_scores_time 3 sv_spectr_firsteye 1 sv_spectr_freefly 0 sv_spectr_freelook 1 sv_spectr_lookat 1 sv_spectr_teamcamera 1 sv_statistic_collect 1 sv_suspicious_actions_ban_time ? sv_teamkill_limit 3 sv_teamkill_punish 1 sv_timelimit 0 sv_traffic_optimization_level 0 sv_vote_enabled 255 sv_vote_participants 0 sv_vote_quota 0.51 sv_vote_time 1. sv_warm_up 0 sv_write_update_bin 0 texture_lod 4 ui_style ui_style_default vid_mode 1366x768 (60Hz) vid_monitor 0. XWAYLAND0 15" vid_window_mode st_opt_fullscreen wpn_aim_toggle 0 ```