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Assertion failed at UserYanker.scala:63 assert (!out.r.valid || r_valid) // Q must be ready faster than the response #3057

Open Jeremy-Jia opened 2 weeks ago

Jeremy-Jia commented 2 weeks ago

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make emu CONFIG=MinimalConfig NUM_CORES=4

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错误信息: ./build/emu -i ../nexus-am/apps/hello/build/hello-riscv64-xs.bin --no-dif --du mp-wave Emu compiled at Jun 11 2024, 23:45:04 Using simulated 32768B flash No valid flash bin path, use preset flash instead The image is ../nexus-am/apps/hello/build/hello-riscv64-xs.bin Using simulated 8192MB RAM Assertion failed at line 26639. The simulation stopped. There might be some assertion failed. Core 0: ABORT at pc = 0x2ad67c688d total guest instructions = 0 instrCnt = 0, cycleCnt = 544, IPC = 0.000000 Core 1: ABORT at pc = 0xfffffff35a1e481d total guest instructions = 0 instrCnt = 0, cycleCnt = 544, IPC = 0.000000 Core 2: ABORT at pc = 0x3c5695d5c1 total guest instructions = 0 instrCnt = 0, cycleCnt = 544, IPC = 0.000000 Core 3: ABORT at pc = 0x1b101e5ff8 total guest instructions = 0 instrCnt = 0, cycleCnt = 544, IPC = 0.000000 Seed=0 Guest cycle spent: 547 (this will be different from cycleCnt if emu loads a snapshot) Host time spent: 1854ms Assertion failed at UserYanker.scala:63 assert (!out.r.valid || r_valid) // Q must be ready faster than the response

cebarobot commented 2 weeks ago

MinimalConfig is just a config fore single core smoke test and is not well tested. I don't think minimalconfig could work properly with 4 cores. Please consider to use DefaultConfig for multiple cores.

MinimalConfig 仅用于单核冒烟测试,并没有经过细致地验证。我不认为它能够在4核配置下正常运行。对于4核场景,请考虑使用 DefaultConfig。