OpenXiangShan / XiangShan

Open-source high-performance RISC-V processor
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VirtualLoadQueue: remove useless logic #3066

Closed good-circle closed 2 weeks ago

good-circle commented 2 weeks ago

usSecondInv is not useful in the current design, and removing this part of the code would speed up Palladium's compilation considerably (there are still some compilation speed issues to be resolved)

XiangShanRobot commented 2 weeks ago
[Generated by IPC robot] commit: cdef0b7361b83fb5f0bf5c2e56b7cde25f5e4ddc commit astar copy_and_run coremark gcc gromacs lbm linux mcf microbench milc namd povray wrf xalancbmk
cdef0b7 1.808 0.447 2.043 1.187 2.938 2.508 2.291 0.921 1.369 1.441 3.454 2.658 2.399 2.932
master branch: commit astar copy_and_run coremark gcc gromacs lbm linux mcf microbench milc namd povray wrf xalancbmk
b37ee2e 0.921 2.932
b51d5c3 0.921 1.369 2.932
dd46182 0.921 1.369 2.932
49ceda6 1.187 0.921 1.369 3.454 2.932
a7828dc 1.808 0.447 2.043 1.187 2.938 2.508 2.291 0.921 1.369 1.441 3.454 2.658 2.399 2.932
e975de6 1.808 0.447 2.043 1.187 2.938 2.508 2.291 0.921 1.369 1.441 3.454 2.658 2.399 2.932