OpenXiangShan / XiangShan

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fix: multiple load replays lead to running out of FTQ entries #3086

Closed Yan-Muzi closed 1 week ago

Yan-Muzi commented 1 week ago

Previously, FTQ did not handle flush-itself redirect level, which is used by load replays. This leads to running out of FTQ entries because commPtr remains the same while ifuPtr keeps increasing when a new replay redirect request arrives. Now, commPtr will also increase in this scenario.

XiangShanRobot commented 1 week ago
[Generated by IPC robot] commit: de5bab78d90b0f87d72c7d5b7345e655b7783151 commit astar copy_and_run coremark gcc gromacs lbm linux mcf microbench milc namd povray wrf xalancbmk
de5bab7 1.809 0.451 2.043 1.190 2.940 2.496 2.197 0.932 1.373 1.411 3.181 2.669 2.403 2.948
master branch: commit astar copy_and_run coremark gcc gromacs lbm linux mcf microbench milc namd povray wrf xalancbmk
c08d352 1.809 0.452 2.052 1.196 2.951 2.499 2.197 0.930 1.377 1.407 3.436 2.653 2.398 2.941
87c5d21 1.805 0.452 2.052 1.196 2.951 2.499 2.199 0.930 1.377 1.407 3.436 2.653 2.398 2.941
864480f 1.809 0.452 2.052 1.196 2.951 2.499 2.199 0.930 1.377 1.407 3.436 2.653 2.398 2.941
69a3c27 1.805 0.452 2.052 1.196 2.951 2.499 2.197 0.930 1.377 1.407 3.436 2.653 2.398 2.941
a31db3f 1.805 0.452 2.052 1.196 2.951 2.499 2.197 0.930 1.377 1.407 3.436 2.653 2.398 2.941
5adc482 1.801 0.452 2.039 1.187 2.936 2.508 2.197 0.930 1.378 1.441 3.428 2.669 2.399 2.932
0d257fb 1.801 0.452 2.040 1.187 2.936 2.508 2.197 0.930 1.378 1.441 3.428 2.669 2.399 2.932
ba5ba1d 1.805 0.452 2.039 1.187 2.936 2.508 2.197 0.930 1.378 1.441 3.428 2.669 2.399 2.932
6613a2d 1.801 0.448 2.040 1.187 2.936 2.508 2.197 0.930 1.378 1.441 3.428 2.669 2.399 2.932
9810c04 1.805 0.448 2.040 1.187 2.936 2.508 2.197 0.930 1.378 1.441 3.428 2.669 2.399 2.932