OpenZWave / node-openzwave-shared

OpenZWave addon for Node.js (all versions) including management and security functions
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Installation on Windows #33

Closed tilleul closed 9 years ago

tilleul commented 9 years ago

I tried to install this on a Win 8.1 64bits. (nodeJS v0.12.0 & node-gyp v1.0.2) npm install openzwave-shared would not work since I had to edit the binding.gyp file as mentioned in the docs. This is what I did:

['OS=="win"', {
    "include_dirs": [
    "link_settings": {
        "libraries": ["-l../ozw/cpp/build/windows/vs2010/Release/openzwave.lib"]
    'msvs_settings': {
        'VCLinkerTool': {
            'AdditionalDependencies': ['setupapi.lib'],
            'IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames': ['libcpmt.lib','libcmt.lib']
..\src\ error C3083: '{ctor}': the symbol to the left of a '::' must be a type [E:\dev\ozw\node_modules\openzwave-shared\build\openzwave_shar
..\src\ error C2533: 'OZW::OZW::New' : constructors not allowed a return type [E:\dev\ozw\node_modules\openzwave-shared\build\openzwave_share
openzwave.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > std::cout" (?cout@std@@3V?$basic_ostre
am@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@A) [E:\dev\ozw\node_modules\openzwave-shared\build\openzwave_shared.vcxproj]
E:\dev\ozw\node_modules\openzwave-shared\build\Release\openzwave_shared.node : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals [E:\dev\ozw\node_modules\openzwave-s

It seems it has something to do with the standard C++ libs as found in MSVCRT.LIB. I tried several include <ostream> and using namespace std; but nothing worked and I don't know what to try next.

I suppose I could try with another version of node-gyp but it seems more like a windows-specific/compilation problem.

Any clue would be welcome. Thanks.

ekarak commented 9 years ago


Many thanks for the info! Windows has been completely left behind when I forked from the parent repo. Unfortunately I've got no Windows development environment (I mostly work with Linux - the last Win32 C++ env I worked with was... Borland C++Builder).

Could you please join forces with @ldhertert and add the missing parts of the puzzle so as to have this addon on Windows too?

tilleul commented 9 years ago

Ok thanks to ldhertert ( I've edited my binding.gyp file like this:

['OS=="win"', {
    "include_dirs": [
    'msvs_settings': {
        'VCCLCompilerTool': {
            'AdditionalOptions': ['/MD' ]
        'VCLinkerTool': {
            'AdditionalDependencies': ['setupapi.lib', '../ozw/cpp/build/windows/vs2010/Release/openzwave.lib']

and now I'm able to compile. The problem was mainly that I added openzwave.lib as a library instead of an AdditionalDepencies

Note that, unlike ldhertert, I've been able to compile/rebuild as win32 (ia32) and not x64 ! (using node-gyp rebuild --target_arch=ia32)

ekarak commented 9 years ago

Please note: there was a very recent commit to OpenZWave to have the compilation enviroment more accessible (ozw-config was its name) - could it be used to determine the correct architecture?

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

Man I spent like an hour looking for that 32 bit compile flag (was looking for a setting to put in the bindings.gyp.

tilleul commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure ozw-config will be of any use for windows compilation. It would be easier IMHO to have a separate script in the windows folder (like ldhertert's) or to use Visual Studio directly (simply add a x64 platform from the IDE and it works).

tilleul commented 9 years ago

about nodeJS, would there be a possibility to make a simple command like npm install openzwave-shared work on windows ? I don't know enough about building node modules :-(

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

Isn't that what we're working on? I'm not sure if I understand the question. Are you asking if we can compile/install the openzwave dependencies during the package installation for openzwave-shared? If so, I think the entire point of this effort is to decouple the ozw lib installation from the npm module, so I don't know if that fits with the goal of this project. That said, I'm also not sure if the goal of this project makes any sense on windows, as there is no ozw installation for windows, so there's no way to add a dependency on it without knowing where it would be.

tilleul commented 9 years ago

I think your compilation script is a pretty good start. What I don't know is If an npm installcan automatically

All in all I suppose a simple powershell script could do it as well.

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

Yeah, so if we really wanted to, you can update the package.json to have a more complex start command, but again, I think that goes against what the author of this package is intending to do.

Secondly, since someone else is looking at this now, I pushed up the changes I mentioned in the pull request that define a couple build time variables. I've also updated my install gist to copy the appropriate files.

Lastly - did you actually try using the final node module when you compile with your --arch=ia32? I was able to get it to compile fine, however when I tried to use the module, it said that it was not a valid win32 application.

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

Ok, so I think another option would be to use, which would allow you to package/publish main node-openzwave-shared binary for windows. This would be done during the node-openzwave-shared build process, and the npm install hooks would try to download the binary (windows) and fall back to the build (non-windows).

Here's a blog post talking about their usage:

tilleul commented 9 years ago

Yeah I have the same problem: although I was able to compile the ia32 version, it does not seem to work... no problem with the x64 version though ... don't know what's wrong .. need more time to look into it ...

The node-pre-gyp option seems like a good start but first I'd like to make sure that ozw-shared really works on windows :-)

tilleul commented 9 years ago

I had some trouble connecting to my zwave USB sticks mostly because I didn't know how ozw is expecting windows port notation ... I tried simply "COM13" but it didn't work and it turns out it has to be something like \\.\COM13, meaning that in JS it's written \\\\.\\COM13 .... Now it seems to work ok (still in x64 -- not ia32) with both my zwave sticks (Sigma UZB_EU and Aeotec Z-STICK S2) ... however both these sticks have no nodes associated so they're not showing much for now ... :-)

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

Nice! I left my z-stick at home so I can't try it with mine, but I was just using COM3, so that was probably the problem. Just curious, how did you figure out the correct format for the com port? I looked all around the source code for ozw-shared, ozw, and libusb.

tilleul commented 9 years ago

Found it here:

tilleul commented 9 years ago

Ok I've associated a Fibaro wallplug with the Z-STICK S2 and turning it on/off activates events ... Now I wish I could associate another wallplug with my UZB stick using ozw-shared ...

tilleul commented 9 years ago

Ok, to make the 32 bits version work you have to use node JS 32 bits ... makes sense ... note that installing nodeJS x86 will remove nodeJS x64 ... not sure if it's possible to have both versions installed ...

Also, if you use VS 2015 (Community Edition), there's no need to edit and remove the OZW:: ... don't know why ... still need to remove tr1/though ...

Tested on Win 8.1 32 bits AND Win 8.1 64 bits with latest versions of NodeJS (4.x), OZW (v1.3.x) and VS2015 Community (make sure you install the VC++ part) using node-gyp rebuild -target_arch=ia32

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

@tilleul Please take a look at the recent changes I pushed up to my pull request. I moved the compilation away from the vcxproj files in open zwave, and started using node-gyp for compilation. I also moved the installation location to a central location to be more in line with the linux dependencies. For right now I've kept the dependency installation out of this project, again to stay in line with the other OS dependencies, but the way that I wrote it, it could easily be included in the npm install scripts.

The install script is here: You can do a one-line install from powershell with this command: $x=[System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName(); (new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile("",$x); node $x;

Let me know what you think.

ekarak commented 9 years ago

Does this mean that for Windows the script is taking care of downloading and compiling OZW itself?

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

Yes, that script does the following:

ekarak commented 9 years ago

My brother Luke, Do you hereby solemny swear that you'll be faithful to your beloved gist and never ever touch it to add ransomware and trojans to the user's PC? Till 'git unmerge' do you apart? If yes, please sign here < > and wire in a check for the sum of 365 billion. PR approved :)

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

I'd actually prefer not to keep that in a gist. The question is where should it go? Since this project depends on an open zwave installation, and there is none for windows, I think that it either needs to be a part of this project, or needs to have very clear instructions on how to install it (since I made up a random environment variable/folder structure that this project depends on).

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

Also, did you look over the c++ changes that were made? I have no idea why they were necessary, or what impact they will have. I just had compilation errors, and my changes made the build run.

ekarak commented 9 years ago

They are both correct. First is a typo (duplicated class name) and the second one (related to the tr1 prefix is probably due to the unordered_map being promoted to an actual C11 standard, but gcc still supports its legacy name. In both cases, gcc is more lenient and doesn't stop compilation, whereas Microsoft's compiler does.

Thanks again, Luke.

ekarak commented 9 years ago

You should fork the project, add the Windows compilation script, update the binding.gyp and the README to clarify that for Windows, user doesn't need to download OZW but its done for him/her. Then open a pull request and I'll merge these changes in.

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

the second one (related to the tr1 prefix is probably due to the unordered_map

I actually wasn't talking about that change, but the one right below it. (removing the node.h include).

ekarak commented 9 years ago

Hmm, thats a nice find, Actually I don't really use any API call directly related to Node.JS (all the stuff I've added use Google's V8 javascript implementation, and it probably was missing from your box. This apparently wasn't an issue for Linux (as I've had numerous success emails from fellow Linux'ers) - see, node-gyp usually fetches and installs the full Node.JS source repo, and I suspect that this wasn't exactly the case with Windows.

tilleul commented 9 years ago

could it be specific to VS2013 ? I've never had to remove node.h using VS2010 & VS2015 Community

ekarak commented 9 years ago

No, i think its a path issue. The header is not needed anyway.

Στις 16 Οκτωβρίου 2015 10:19:12 π.μ. EEST, ο/η tilleul έγραψε:

could it be specific to VS2013 ? I've never had to remove node.h using VS2010 & VS2015 Community

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Sent from my mobile device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

@tilleul Were you able to test out the changes from the recent pull requests (they've been merged into master). I want to make sure that it works for someone besides me.

tilleul commented 9 years ago

Luke, I'll try to find some time this Sunday to do that ...

On 16/10/15 15:38, Luke Hertert wrote:

@tilleul Were you able to test out the changes from the recent pull requests (they've been merged into master). I want to make sure that it works for someone besides me.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

tilleul commented 9 years ago

ok, so apart from a problem with the tempPath in the script (see pull request #37 ) the install script worked (I had to manually download the master from github and make a npm install but I suppose that's the way to go until all the windows-related changes are validated and submitted so one can make a npm install openzwave-shared directly ...

so everything compiled and went fine but ... when I tried to test the install with node test3.js I had an error cannot find module openzwave-shared ... weird ... might this be linked to the fact that it was a "manual" install ? What am I doing wrong ?

tilleul commented 9 years ago

Also I have all sorts of problems if I try to reapply the install ... temp folders already exist, impossible to write/delete files to local\openzwave\ etc ...

is the OZW_HOME env variable used for anything else but this install script ?

tilleul commented 9 years ago

ok I found why test3.js was not working ... (improper require call) test2.js and test.js work with USB sticks plugged in using node x64 or node x86 ...

still have some problems when reapplying the install (it seems rmdirSyncRecursive is not always properly working ...)

ekarak commented 9 years ago

is the OZW_HOME env variable used for anything else but this install script ?

Yes, its used at OZW initialization. (search for Options::Create, 1st argument). This directory holds the device database (a set of XML files describing all the known ZWave devices and their properties).

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

@ekarak - That method actually references OPENZWAVE_ETC, which is defined in bindings.gyp. For windows, I have changed that to set it to OPENZWAVE_ETC=<(OZW_HOME)/config (which does a full path replacement. I made up OZW_HOME, and am setting it during my openzwave installation.

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

@tilleul - I assume that the pull request fixes the issues that you ran into are all addressed with your pull request? I was installing/reinstalling repeatedly without running into issues, so I think other than that temp dir issue, it should be fine to run multiple times.

Fishwaldo commented 9 years ago

I think there was a question about Windows Builds for OZW.

I'm already doing compile tests for VS2010, VS2013 and VS2015. It's trivial for me to publish the output of those to the a download site you could pull from. All I would need to know is what files you need (apart from header files)

(See as a example. That's where the snapshot source files come from after a successful build)

(And I'll add this repo soon to the build tests so you can easily monitor for breakages)

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

@Fishwaldo the main thing is that there is no installer for windows (i.e. the equivalent of the distribution packages for other platforms). So publishing the outputs from your builds, while helpful, would only get us partway there. What is able to happen on linux from this apps perspective is that it's able to query for the libopenzwave package via the pkg-config command, and find out where the relevant files are.

We don't necessarily need a full msi-level installer, even a self extracting zip file that puts the files somewhere and sets an environment variable would be fine.

In regards to what files are necessary, I don't know C++ very well, but from what I've been able to determine, we need:

Fishwaldo commented 9 years ago

I can make a installer no issue. (There is a outdated Nullsoft installer file in the repo that I can tidy up) I also got a guy that's sent me a Nuget config file if that helps.

I also under stand Visual Studio versions are a issue. I can pack all three versions up into the installer as well if needed.

I do know there are about 4 variants of compiler flags. Static/dynamic, multithreaded/single thread and debug/release (run times). Can you send me the compiler flag changes you made and I'll have a go at this soon.

ldhertert commented 9 years ago

@Fishwaldo Shouldn't matter what version of VS you use to build the artifacts - the issue is that if we were downloading the source and building it locally, we had to detect which version of visual studio the user had installed and select the right visual studio solution. In my case, I didn't even have 2008 or 2010, so I had to create a new solution that was an upgrade from your 2010 solution. If you are building the artifacts on your build server, this is a non-issue.

Here's a link to the project with the auto-generated vcxproj from node-gyp. The solution file is in the /build directory. Note that it only has an x64/release build target because node-gyp determines your os architecture and builds the binary accordingly, and my system is x64. I believe that your project would require release/win32 and release/x64.

Let me know if you have any questions.