Initialising OpenZWave 1.4.79 binary addon for Node.JS.
OpenZWave Security API is ENABLED
ZWave device db : /usr/etc/openzwave
User settings path : /home/pi/nodejs/openzwave/node_modules/openzwave-shared/build/Release/../../
Option Overrides : --ConsoleOutput true
connecting to /dev/ttyACM0
node: symbol lookup error: /home/pi/nodejs/openzwave/node_modules/openzwave-shared/build/Release/openzwave_shared.node: undefined symbol: _ZN9OpenZWave7Options6CreateERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES8_S8_
I cannot find a resolution to the problem in issue #325.
Are there different instructions for Pi 4 - the instructions say "Download and install the precompiled Raspbian/ARMv6 packages for Raspberry 1"?
I am having the same issue as on Raspberry Pi 4. I have followed all instructions at Execution on test2.js results in the following (I am running as the
su).I cannot find a resolution to the problem in issue #325. Are there different instructions for Pi 4 - the instructions say "Download and install the precompiled Raspbian/ARMv6 packages for Raspberry 1"?