OpenZWave / open-zwave

a C++ library to control Z-Wave Networks via a USB Z-Wave Controller.
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Open zwave error is causing spike in total kWh reading #2572

Closed GravityRZ closed 3 years ago

GravityRZ commented 3 years ago

Domoticz version 2020.2.12194 Open Zwave Version: 1.6-1185-g0dba812c Qubino ZMNHADX module address 11

sometimes(1 in a couple of months) i am getting this error

2021-02-02 21:30:26.507 Error: OpenZWave: Value_Changed: Tried adding value, not succeeded!. Node: 11 (0x0b), CommandClass: SENSOR MULTILEVEL, Label: Time, Instance: 1, Index: 33

not a big deal because everything on that module seems to work ok, also after the error has occured

I Also got rarely a kWh spike on that same devices kWh meter. also not a big deal because al i had to do is delete the faulty spike reading and everything was normal again. The spike only appears in the kWh device, the Watt device is normal

Today i found out that that error is causing the spike. somehow the error screws up the kWh reading and sends out a very high amount. The spike amount looks like the total of 1 months

Is this a known bug?


ghost commented 3 years ago

It is more likely caused by Domoticz, just after reboot. Did you reboot prior this reading? I have the same issue since few months, something was done with the code for Energy measure/graphs. I recommend you to post this to Domoticz developer issues instead :)

GravityRZ commented 3 years ago

no it was running stable for months. i will see if i will post this on the domoticz github

ghost commented 3 years ago

If it is happening from time to time, not just after reboot, it is likely a ZWave/OZW issue. And random corrupt values is most likely caused by an interfered radio packet that by chance after demodulation of data had a correct CRC check, and therefore accepted by the Controller. In my experience the worse RF link quality to a Node the more often you get corrupt measures from OZW. But of course also a buggy Node Firmware could be the reason, however I don't believe it is the problem in your case as it happens so rarely.