OpenZeppelin / cairo-contracts

OpenZeppelin Contracts written in Cairo for Starknet, a decentralized ZK Rollup
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Solve release branch name issue #869

Closed martriay closed 5 months ago

martriay commented 5 months ago

Right now our release process indicates creating a WIP branch for a soon to be release following the release-vX.Y.Z branch name pattern. That's the same pattern that our docsite uses to identify branches to pull from. This results in a WIP branch getting released as the latest docs, even before approving the PR and effectively releasing the version.

Since release-vX.Y.Z branches trigger deploys on a public visible site, it's a protected branch. This results in the CI version bump script to require a PAT token to automatically write a commit for the version bump.

Option 1

Pros: we can drop the PAT token requirement, which feels leaner although security-wise it's probably the same since the PAT is fine grained and restricted to writing to this repo only -- roughly equivalent to removing the branch protection.

Option 2

Change the release process' so that

  1. the version bump branch name is something else than release-v*
  2. add a release-v* branch creation step (for the docsite to pull)
martriay commented 5 months ago

I think I lean towards option 1, it feels cleaner and we can get rid of the tag vs release branch dichotomy -- only tags are relevant, release-v* branches are just an utilitiy to run the version bump workflow.

The downside is that we cannot safely push docs fixes without affecting the released tag. A potential solution to this is implementing some sort of nightly build documentation, something we've been thinking for a while even for the Contracts for Solidity docsite.

martriay commented 5 months ago

To carry on with option 1, I reviewed all (tag, release branch) pairs and this is the summary:

So I conclude it's safe to migrate to using tags for the docsite immediately as long as we ban the v0.1.0, v0.2.x, and v0.7.0-rc.0 tags. Implemented the change in


^ i'll do the latter after merging this PR

martriay commented 5 months ago

Migrated the tags to their corresponding branch with this bash script:

retag() {
  local branch=$1
  local version="$(echo "$branch" | sed 's|origin/release-||')"

  echo "Retagging version $version to branch $branch"

  git tag -d $version
  git push origin :refs/tags/$version
  git checkout $branch
  git tag $version
  git push origin $version

git fetch origin

# List all remote branches that match the pattern "release-v*", then loop through them
git branch -r --list 'origin/release-v*' | while read branch; do
  retag "$branch"