OpenZeppelin / openzeppelin-foundry-upgrades

Foundry library for deploying and managing upgradeable contracts
MIT License
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Failed to deploy UUPS on Windows #54

Closed nufailTanjiro closed 3 months ago

nufailTanjiro commented 4 months ago

When I run

forge script --chain sepolia script/DeployDeedX.sol:DeployDeedX --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --broadcast --verify -vvvv

I am getting an error saying: image

I addedon my .env:

OPENZEPPELIN_BASH_PATH="C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash"

import "forge-std/Script.sol"; import {DeedX} from "../src/DeedX.sol"; import {Upgrades} from "openzeppelin-foundry-upgrades/Upgrades.sol";

contract DeployDeedX is Script { function run() external { vm.startBroadcast(); uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");

    address proxy = Upgrades.deployUUPSProxy("DeedX.sol", abi.encodeCall(DeedX.initialize, ()));



ericglau commented 4 months ago

Hi @nufailTanjiro,

nufailTanjiro commented 4 months ago

Hi @ericglau

image image

ericglau commented 4 months ago

Do you have the bash executable available at C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash? Can you ensure that OPENZEPPELIN_BASH_PATH is set to a path that contains the bash executable?

You could try installing Git for Windows if needed.

nufailTanjiro commented 4 months ago

I have already installed Git for Windows The bash executable file is in C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash:


I have also added in my environment variable: image

nufailTanjiro commented 4 months ago

When I execute this command "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash" "--version" on my Windows command prompt I got the version and bash details. But when I execute in my WSL cmd I get -bash: C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash: No such file or directory

ericglau commented 4 months ago

Can you try running the forge script from the Windows command prompt (not WSL)? Or, change OPENZEPPELIN_BASH_PATH to the bash directory within WSL (using Linux-style paths)?

nufailTanjiro commented 4 months ago

I changed OPENZEPPELIN_BASH_PATH to the bash directory within WSL image

Now I am getting

script failed: failed to execute command cd "/home/nufaileth/foundry/deedx-contracts" && "/mnt/c/Program Files/Git/bin/bash" "-c" "npx @openzeppelin/upgrades-core@^1.32.3 validate out/build-info --contract src/DeedX.sol:DeedX": No such file or directory (os error 2)
nufailTanjiro commented 4 months ago
  • "C:/Program Files/Git/bin/bash" "--version"

This one is solved, Now I'm facing a different issue when running:

forge script --chain sepolia script/DeployDeedX.sol:DeployDeedX --rpc-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --broadcast --verify -vvvv


ericglau commented 4 months ago

This should be fixed if you update Foundry. See

nufailTanjiro commented 4 months ago

This is my foundry version after running foundryup:

$ forge --version
forge 0.2.0 (f479e94 2024-06-01T00:21:09.122773900Z)

I am still getting the same error

nufailTanjiro commented 4 months ago

image This is my error

ericglau commented 4 months ago
nufailTanjiro commented 4 months ago
ericglau commented 3 months ago

Looks like the zip file link isn't working, can you try uploading it again?

nufailTanjiro commented 3 months ago

Can you access this?

ericglau commented 3 months ago

Thanks, I was able to access that. It looks like there may be some conflicts in your remappings. Some of the dependencies are referencing paths such as node_modules/@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable while some are referencing lib/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable

It looks like you are using npm modules (node_modules) for the OpenZeppelin Contracts dependencies. If this is the intention, could you try updating your remappings.txt to use those exclusively, for example:


If this does not resolve the issue, would you be able to share your repository or a minimal reproducible repository with the way that your project is set up?

nufailTanjiro commented 3 months ago

I changed the remappings.txt but not resolved.

Here is the repo link:

ericglau commented 3 months ago

I'm not able to access that repo, can you grant me access? Thanks for your patience with this.

nufailTanjiro commented 3 months ago

Sorry my bad, I've given you access now

ericglau commented 3 months ago

Thanks. I tried the following with your repo:

  1. Changed remappings.txt to match my previous comment
  2. Ran the script locally using: forge script script/DeployDeedX.sol --force
  3. This was able to progress to run upgrade safety validations, which failed with the following error because it looks like the variable is missing a constant keyword.

    script failed: revert: Upgrade safety validation failed:
    ✘  src/DeedX.sol:DeedX
      src/DeedX.sol:25: Variable `DEEDX_GOVERNANCE` is assigned an initial value
          Move the assignment to the initializer

If you are still getting the error from, ensure you are using --force when running forge script.

I'll see if I can try the above on Windows as well.

nufailTanjiro commented 3 months ago

Now I am getting a new error saying:

Failed with `custom error 4c9c8ce3:00000000000000000000000034a1d3fff3958843c43ad80f30b94c510645c316`:

  [2342458] → new DeployDeedX@0x5b73C5498c1E3b4dbA84de0F1833c4a029d90519
    ├─ emit Initialized(version: 18446744073709551615 [1.844e19])
    └─ ← [Return] 11582 bytes of code

  [3441] → new <unknown>@0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496
    └─ ← [Revert] 36 bytes of code

Simulated execution failed.

The error 4c9c8ce3:00000000000000000000000034a1d3fff3958843c43ad80f30b94c510645c316 ERC1967InvalidImplementation(0x34a1d3fff3958843c43ad80f30b94c510645c316).

But these are handled by the openzeppelin foundry upgrades yea?

ericglau commented 3 months ago

It looks like this is because you are running deployment on sepolia but the broadcast is not set up correctly. In your script you have

        uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");

but it should be

        uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");

Also, minor suggestion with your implementation, I think for your DEEDX_GOVERNANCE role, you could just make it a constant if the hash doesn't need to be changed:

bytes32 public constant DEEDX_GOVERNANCE = keccak256("DEEDX_GOVERNANCE");

If the issue is resolved for you, feel free to remove me from your repo.

nufailTanjiro commented 3 months ago

Thanks, it worked. By the way, facing an issue when verifying the contract

forge script --chain 80002 script/DeployDeedX.sol:DeployDeedX --rpc-url $POLYGON_AMOYNET_RPC --broadcast --verify -vvvv --force

This command successfully deployed the contract but failed to verify since I am deploying and verifying using polygon amoy

So to verify it manually, after the deployment I ran:

forge  verify-contract --compiler-version 0.8.20 --chain polygon-amoy  0x9E17cFc7AA8A067818381d8CAd35cf1AA6C1e623 src/DeedX.sol:DeedX  --verifier-url $AMOY_POLYGON_VERIFIER_URL --etherscan-api-key $POLYGON_SCAN_API_KEY

The console returned success:

Start verifying contract `0x9E17cFc7AA8A067818381d8CAd35cf1AA6C1e623` deployed on amoy

Submitting verification for [src/DeedX.sol:DeedX] 0x9E17cFc7AA8A067818381d8CAd35cf1AA6C1e623.
Submitted contract for verification:
        Response: `OK`
        GUID: `u2nec45ryd8kwd7gfyd81eqtpshmmul75cm6clfmwvrz1qt9gm`

But when I visit the amoy.polygonsacan URL, the contract not verified:

nufailTanjiro commented 3 months ago

This is what I have on my foundry.toml:

sepolia = "${SEPOLIA_RPC_URL}"
polygon-amoy = "${POLYGON_AMOYNET_RPC}"

sepolia = { key = "${ETHERSCAN_API_KEY}" }
polygon-amoy = { key = "${POLYGON_SCAN_API_KEY}" }
ericglau commented 3 months ago

I don't think I can help much as that might be a block explorer issue. But I would suggest getting your build-info file from out/build-info, extract the input section's contents into a standalone JSON file, for example from

  "_format": "ethers-rs-sol-build-info-1",
  "solcVersion": "0.8.26",
  "solcLongVersion": "0.8.26",
  "input": {
    "language": "Solidity",
    "sources": {
    "settings": {


    "language": "Solidity",
    "sources": {
    "settings": {

Then use that new file as the Solc JSON input to manually verify on the block explorer. See for some general info on verification.

ericglau commented 3 months ago

Closing this issue as it looks like the original problem is resolved. If you have further issues, feel free to post on or open another issue as needed.