OpenZeppelin / openzeppelin-sdk

OpenZeppelin SDK repository for CLI and upgrades.js. No longer actively developed.
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openzeppelin-cli uses the wrong account #1579

Open nicexe opened 4 years ago

nicexe commented 4 years ago

I noticed an odd behavior while using openzeppelin-cli where it uses the account in the list that @truffle/hdwallet-provider provides no matter what account was actually selected.

I'm using @openzeppelin/cli version 2.8.2 and @truffle/hdwallet-provider version 1.0.42

Here is my networks.js:

const { infuraId, alchemyId, mnemonic } = require('./secrets.json');
const HDWalletProvider = require('@truffle/hdwallet-provider');

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    development: {
      protocol: 'http',
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 8545,
      gas: 5000000,
      gasPrice: 5e9,
      networkId: '*',
    goerli_infura: {
      provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(
        mnemonic, `${infuraId}`
      networkId: 5,
      gasPrice: 2e9
    rinkeby_infura: {
      provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(
        mnemonic, `${infuraId}`
      networkId: 4,
      gasPrice: 10e9
    rinkeby_alchemy: {
      provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(
        mnemonic, `${alchemyId}`
      networkId: 4,
      gasPrice: 10e9
    rinkeby_local: {
      provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(
        mnemonic, ``
      networkId: 4,
      gasPrice: 10e9

Here is how I deploy a contract asciicast This is what the node says:

INFO [08-27|15:00:14.450] Submitted contract creation              fullhash=0x############################################################0fa7 contract=0x########################################

And this is what etherscan says: image

I don't really know if the issue is with openzeppelin-cli or with @truffle/hdwallet-provider

nicexe commented 4 years ago

So. I modified networks.js to this:

rinkeby_local: {
  provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(
  mnemonic, ``, 2 // <-- added 1 more argument
  networkId: 4,
  gasPrice: 10e9

I did this so that HDWalletProvider starts generating accounts from 2 (zero indexed). I then selected account 0 and deployed. This whole thing worked and the contract was deployed from the correct account. I'm not really sure what the culprit is. I'm thinking it might be @truffle/hdwallet-provider or even @openzeppelin/cli

abcoathup commented 4 years ago

Hi @nicexe! I’m sorry that you had this issue.

We have been able to reproduce this issue by following these steps:

  1. Set a session
    $ npx oz session
    ? Pick a network rinkeby
    ? Enter a timeout in seconds to use for http-based web3 transactions 750
    ? Enter a timeout in blocks to use for websocket-based web3 transactions 50
    ? Choose the account to send transactions from (1) 0x059aE37646900CaA1680473d1280246AfCCC3114
    ? Enter an expiration time for this session (in seconds) 3600
    Using network rinkeby, sender address 0x059aE37646900CaA1680473d1280246AfCCC3114, timeout 750 seconds, blockTimeout 50 blocks by default.
  2. Deploy a regular contract
    $ npx oz deploy --network rinkeby
    Nothing to compile, all contracts are up to date.
    ? Choose the kind of deployment regular
    Using session with network rinkeby, sender address 0x059aE37646900CaA1680473d1280246AfCCC3114, timeout 750 seconds, blockTimeout 50 blocks
    ? Pick a contract to deploy Box
    ✓ Deployed instance of Box

    But the contract is actually deployed from the default account. See:

    $ npx oz accounts
    Using session with network rinkeby, sender address 0x059aE37646900CaA1680473d1280246AfCCC3114, timeout 750 seconds, blockTimeout 50 blocks
    Accounts for rinkeby:
    Default: 0x77737a65C296012C67F8c7f656d1Df81827c9541
    - 0: 0x77737a65C296012C67F8c7f656d1Df81827c9541
    - 1: 0x059aE37646900CaA1680473d1280246AfCCC3114

Thanks so much for reporting it! The project owner will review and triage this issue as soon as they can. In the meantime, you can try the following workaround:

Instead of session you can use oz deploy --from to specify the account (as I suspect that the new deploy doesn't appropriately use `session)

$ npx oz deploy --network rinkeby --from 0x059aE37646900CaA1680473d1280246AfCCC3114
Nothing to compile, all contracts are up to date.
? Choose the kind of deployment regular
Using session with network rinkeby, sender address 0x059aE37646900CaA1680473d1280246AfCCC3114, timeout 750 seconds, blockTimeout 50 blocks
? Pick a contract to deploy Box
✓ Deployed instance of Box

The contract is deployed using the specified account: