OpenZeppelin / openzeppelin-test-helpers

Assertion library for Ethereum smart contract testing
MIT License
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An event signature in 'inTransaction' is incorrect if the event has a struct as an argument #178

Open Vsevo1od opened 2 years ago

Vsevo1od commented 2 years ago

A quick solution is to replace this line

const eventSignature = `${eventName}(${ => input.type).join(',')})`;


const eventSignature = `${eventName}(${ => {
        if (input.type === 'tuple'){
          return `(${ => input.type).join()})`
        return input.type;

At least it works in my case An example contract that can be used to reproduce the issue

pragma solidity 0.8.7;

contract Issue {
    struct AStruct {
        uint256 someValue;

    event AnEvent(AStruct aStruct);

    function doEmit() external {
        emit AnEvent(AStruct({someValue: 0}));

A test

import {artifacts, ethers} from "hardhat";
import {expectEvent} from "@openzeppelin/test-helpers";
import {test} from "mocha";

test('is emitted', async () => {
    const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners();
    const factory = await ethers.getContractFactory('Issue', deployer);
    const contract = await factory.deploy();

    const tx = await contract.doEmit();
    await expectEvent.inTransaction(tx.hash, artifacts.require('Issue'), 'AnEvent');