OpenZeppelin / openzeppelin-upgrades

Plugins for Hardhat and Foundry to deploy and manage upgradeable contracts on Ethereum.
MIT License
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Can't add variables with change of storage gap with hardhat #785

Open jachung91 opened 1 year ago

jachung91 commented 1 year ago

I am using

hardhat v2.14.0 solidity v0.8.9

Simple code is like

original code

contract BoxV1 is Initializable{ uint256 private value; uint256[48] private __gapUint256;}

upgrading code

contract BoxV2 is Initializable{ uint256 private value; uint256 private amount; uint256[47] private __gapUint256;}

but i get error when I use upgrades.upgradeProxy with hardhat.

Error is

Error: New storage layout is incompatible contracts/BoxV2.sol:8: Inserted amount New variables should be placed after all existing inherited variables contracts/BoxV2.sol:9: Upgraded __gapUint256 to an incompatible type

As i read docs at I think i did anything wrong. Any one can help?

ericglau commented 1 year ago

Hi @jachung91 , the gap name needs to be exactly __gap or start with __gap_ (with the extra underscore after it). In your example, can you use a gap name like __gap_uint256?