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Ball Lightning "DPS" Should be Multiplied by 5 #212

Open djrecipe opened 7 years ago

djrecipe commented 7 years ago

Ball Lightning DPS is currently calculated under the assumption that it will hit the enemy once per cast.

However, Ball Lightning actually hits every 200 milliseconds (provided that the enemy stays within the radius). So in ideal situations, the DPS should be calculated as Average Hit Casts per second 5.

Perhaps this could even be a custom "Calculation Mode" available for Ball Lightning? (Or an option in the Configuration section such as "Orb of Storms Hits per Second" with values 1 through 5 being available)

Openarl commented 7 years ago

It's not that simple. The cast rate is the number of balls fired per second, but each ball can hit an indeterminate number of times; if each ball was within range of the target for 1 second then it would be 5 times, but it could be more or less and there's no straightforward way of predicting that.

I am, however, considering adding an option to the Configuration tab that will allow you to input an estimate of the number of times each ball will hit over its lifetime. Currently I can't do skill-specific options though, so I'll have to set that up first.

aggixx commented 7 years ago

You could potentially calculate the number of hits, all it would take is

The only real tricky thing here is 3, but you could potentially pick a number such as 2 and stick with it through the application or make it configurable.

There's only 2 complications I can think of that aren't accounted for by this and thats 1) the angle of the chord the ball lightning travels through the targets hitbox (sharper angle = shorter cord) and 2) movement of the target, particularly knockback. But I think it would be ok to neglect those two considerations.

aggixx commented 7 years ago

You could apply a similar methodology to firestorm, icestorm, molten strike, and maybe some other skills Im forgetting.