Openarl / PathOfBuilding

Offline build planner for Path of Exile.
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Physical Projectile Attack Damage Support #241

Open DagonX opened 7 years ago

DagonX commented 7 years ago

Hey there, the "Physical Projectile Attack Damage Support" Gem reduces the attack rate of Molten Strike Magma Balls - even though this is not true in the game. PPAD reduces your Projectile attack speed, however Molten Strike is a Melee Attack that has a secondary effect of Firing Projectiles - so while in theory the Magma Balls themselves attack slower, this has no actual effect since they are fired every time you Attack with the Melee portion - which is unaffected by that modifier.

Openarl commented 7 years ago

This is a limitation that applies to a lot of skills that have multiple parts; in this case, the Magma Balls part is a projectile skill, so its attack speed must be affected by projectile attack modifiers, just as its damage is. The attack/cast rate for secondary skill parts should generally be ignored anyway, or at least taken with a grain of salt, as the skill mechanics often render it inaccurate; it's only shown at all because it is sometimes correct. The ultimate solution would allow calculations from different skill parts to be combined, but that requires a significant overhaul of the skill calculation system; it's a reasonably high priority as it also allows CoC and other trigger setups to work, but it's not likely to happen any time soon due to the amount of work required.

hankinsohl commented 6 years ago

Never mind - attack speed bonuses as applied to secondary skill affects is a known issue.

MoldyDwarf2 commented 6 years ago

See also issue#1127.