Creating artwork without a name shows an empty red error message. The console throws error messages like the following. Would be great to use a generated name for the artwork in those cases.
VM136:1 POST 422 (Unprocessable Entity)
(anonymous) @ VM136:1
c @ fetchJSON.js:100
(anonymous) @ fetchJSON.js:97
m @ fetchJSON.js:76
create @ artwork.js:64
(anonymous) @ createArtworkRequest.js:10
(anonymous) @ index.js:11
(anonymous) @ bindActionCreators.js:7
value @ ModalManagerContainer.js:74
y @ handleSubmit.js:44
c @ handleSubmit.js:90
value @ reduxForm.js:391
r @ ReactErrorUtils.js:26
a @ EventPluginUtils.js:89
s @ EventPluginUtils.js:112
f @ EventPluginHub.js:44
d @ EventPluginHub.js:55
n @ forEachAccumulated.js:25
processEventQueue @ EventPluginHub.js:231
r @ ReactEventEmitterMixin.js:18
handleTopLevel @ ReactEventEmitterMixin.js:29
i @ ReactEventListener.js:73
perform @ Transaction.js:138
batchedUpdates @ ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy.js:63
i @ ReactUpdates.js:98
dispatchEvent @ ReactEventListener.js:150
reactProdInvariant.js:32 Uncaught (in promise) Invariant Violation: Minified React error #31; visit[]=Error%3A%20The%20%60Artwork%60%20instance%20is%20not%20valid.%20Details%3A%20%60title%60%20can't%20be%20blank%20(value%3A%20undefined).&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.
at n (
at o (
at i (
at o (
at h._reconcilerUpdateChildren (
at h._updateChildren (
at h.updateChildren (
at h._updateDOMChildren (
at h.updateComponent (
at h.receiveComponent (
Creating artwork without a name shows an empty red error message. The console throws error messages like the following. Would be great to use a generated name for the artwork in those cases.