OpeningDesign / CTR

The Current - a Multifamily Project in Eau Claire, WI
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Beams and columns at north end of ramp. #76

Closed theoryshaw closed 4 years ago

theoryshaw commented 4 years ago


anaiortega commented 4 years ago

20191106_steel_beams_ramp_01 20191106_steel_beams_ramp_02 20191106_steel_beams_ramp_03

theoryshaw commented 4 years ago

Thanks @anaiortega!

@chopinregis can you take a stab at detailing these out?

Start with putting the correct beams in the floor plans, at at the correct elevation. Just put the beams in the floor plans, no details.

Next, you can model up these details.


theoryshaw commented 4 years ago

@chopinregis you don't have to put voids for bolts holes, you can use the following bolt family..,%20Plastics,%20and%20Composites/050523%20-%20W_P_C%20-%20Fastenings%20-%20Lag%20Bolt%20or%20Thru%20Bolt.rfa

image for this base plate you can use:

image For this baseplate you can start a new family, from the (4) bolt family above.

image for this angle, try to create a family like the previous ones.

theoryshaw commented 4 years ago

Remember to try and avoid 'voids' and 'cuts'.. they don't translate in our Freemvd workflow.

theoryshaw commented 4 years ago


Per the sketch below, how were you thinking this plate would engage the 8" concrete wall beyond?


anaiortega commented 4 years ago

Sorry, do not go on with the modeling. In this design, there are several geometrical and constructive incompatibilities that we must solve previously.

theoryshaw commented 4 years ago

Sounds good. We'll hold off.

theoryshaw commented 4 years ago

Also, fyi, i changed the wall circled (red) below to 12" all the way up to accommodate that 10" wide base plate, if you still think that solution the best.

The other wall, however, circled in blue, is still 8" above.

Latest drawings submitted to GC: CTR\Transfer\20191107 - to GC -Updated Foundation


anaiortega commented 4 years ago

Thickening the wall doesn't fix the problem, because, even if we'd place the hollow core over the steel beams, we still need some wall highness over the beam to allow room for the plate and upper anchors. We propose two possible solutions: the first one (option 1 in the sketch), by extending the steel beam over the RC wall; the 2nd (option 2) would be an RC solution, cantilevering a concrete slab instead of the hollow-core. North_cantilever

theoryshaw commented 4 years ago

Hi @anaiortega, could we do something like this?...

This approach helps with fire separation too.

anaiortega commented 4 years ago

All right then, we design the bearing plates and anchors for that solution.

anaiortega commented 4 years ago

beams_bearing section This is the detail for bearing the steel beams on the ramp walls. It replaces the detail depicted in section 2-2 of the sketches sent on 11/06.

theoryshaw commented 4 years ago

Hi @anaiortega can we push these off center? If so, what's the max delta? Just want to create more 'fire separation' between the garage and the residences.


anaiortega commented 4 years ago

Hi @theoryshaw , I'm not sure if I've understood the question right. In this approach, we have the steel column and the central beam (W14x53) in direct contact with the garage space, and, therefore, some kind of passive fire protection material must be applied. Isn't it possible to use the same coating for the lateral beams?. We have very little margin to push the beams off-center since the walls are 8" thickness and the beam flanges (W14x30) are 6.730" width. Perhaps we could give a try to change these last beams to a "C" profile, but not sure it's well-suited to the problem. Maybe, if it does not pose other constructive difficulties, to replace all the steel structure by a cast-in-place slab should work.

theoryshaw commented 4 years ago

Thanks Ana!... we'll just go with what you have drafted.

theoryshaw commented 4 years ago


For those (2) end beams, can we use w14x43's instead of w14x30's?

It has a wider flange, and will make welding more accessible, or easier to get at. Also, provides a wider bearing.


anaiortega commented 4 years ago

From a resistance standpoint, there is no problem, since the resistant capacity of the W14x43 is bigger than that of the W14x30. The only thing could be the clearance between the top of the hollow core and the top of the beam top flange (13.66-20.5312=0.6""). Usually, the minimum clearance required in order to grout the topping is 3/4", so, in that case, the top of the hollow core should be dapped (the same applies to the central beam W14x53)

anaiortega commented 4 years ago
