OpeningDesign / FreeMVD_WorkFlow

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Wrong shared element placement in Revit #5

Open yorikvanhavre opened 5 years ago

yorikvanhavre commented 5 years ago

I'm opening this to register and follow investigations. Below is a simple IFC file containing 4 columns, that share the same representation (mapped representation), with a 1m x 0.5m spacing between them (1m on red axis, 0.5m on green).

screenshot from 2018-08-03 15-28-16

When opening this file in Revit, however, the spacing has doubled size and becomes 2m x 1m. ArchiCAD, FreeCAD and IfcPlusPlus open the file correctly.

When editing the family, one can see that the base column shape is placed at -1m,-0.5m from the origin point, which is likely the source of the problem. In the IFC file, however, I fail to see what could have provoked this problem. The base profile (polyline #33) is correctly drawn around the center point, then extruded in Z axis, using a (0,0,0) placement. Each of the 4 column object uses a mapped representation of this extrusion, and a correct placement: (0,0), (1,0), (1,0.5) and (0,0.5).

FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [CoordinationView]'),'2;1');
FILE_NAME('4 columns from freecad.ifc','2018-07-27T20:05:47',('Yorik van Havre',''),(''),'IfcOpenShell 0.5.0-dev','IfcOpenShell 0.5.0-dev','');
#1=IFCPERSON($,$,'Yorik van Havre',$,$,$,$,$);
#4=IFCAPPLICATION(#2,'0.18 build 14159 (Git)','FreeCAD','118df2cf_ed21_438e_a41');
#74=IFCSITE('1pxzFOaTWHwBIR093rt3ko',#5,'Default Site','',$,$,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$,$,$);
#76=IFCBUILDING('1px_vKaTWHwBIR093rt3ko',#5,'Default Building','',$,$,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$);
#78=IFCBUILDINGSTOREY('1py1J4aTWHwBIR093rt3ko',#5,'Default Storey','',$,$,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$);

4 columns from