OpeningDesign / Sports_Complex

A Sports Complex in Southern Wisconsin
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Trash Enclosure #62

Closed theoryshaw closed 9 years ago

theoryshaw commented 9 years ago


PKSimon commented 9 years ago

te-01-plan te-02-wall section te-03-foundation section te-04-enlarged corner te-05-hinge stiffening at jamb te-06-door framing elevation te-07-door panel section

theoryshaw commented 9 years ago

hI @PKSimon

Looking good. How about something like this, to simply the jamb detail:

Can you sync your model with github? I'll take a quick review. Thanks.

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

Can do the simplification.

I'll try to sync again.

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

It says it's sync'd. I don't know if that's true.

theoryshaw commented 9 years ago

To see if something was synced back to github you would go here: Then click on 'commits' to see if it registered: Full link here:

Did you follow Part 2, in the following document:

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

Yes - I cloned it, and the github dashboard recognizes the changes to the Revit file. I failed to commit it.

I've committed it to master, but I still can't see it in commitments.

theoryshaw commented 9 years ago

Sweet, i came though!

Model's looking good.

You might be doing this already, but please change the 'sweeps' and 'families' into MIP extrusions.

For the foundation, think we should use sono tubes down 4ft, w/ rebar into the slab?

Thanks!, Ryan

theoryshaw commented 9 years ago

...or just float the slab?

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

Will do - Sweeps.

Sonotubes work for frost. I'll get those in as well.

theoryshaw commented 9 years ago

Just to clarify, use MIP 'extusions' only... no sweeps or families.


PKSimon commented 9 years ago

I'll change the panels - they're not MIP.

theoryshaw commented 9 years ago

@KevinZinsmeister / @andyeck1 Can you chime in here on your suggested approach for the trash enclosure's slab and foundation?

No engineering necessary, just what you typically see in this climate.

Thanks Much, Ryan

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

Sonotubes will TIN. Should I show them as rectangular piers?

theoryshaw commented 9 years ago

@PKSimon , would like to defer to @KevinZinsmeister on foundation and slab approach.


PKSimon commented 9 years ago

I currently have the slab modeled as floating, 6", 3500#, 6x6x10 WWF, 6" #57 compacted under, to 6" beyond edge of slab.

KevinZinsmeister commented 9 years ago

Looking for some clarity on what is meant by "sonotubes will TIN."

The proposed slab and stone are reasonable. A sonotube should be provided at each post and should extend at least 60" below grade to help prevent frost heave of the slab. Since we're using sonotubes and not a frost wall, we would recommend using #4@16" OC each way to reinforce the slab instead of the 6x6x10 WWF. The slab should be tied to each sonotube with a #5 24"x24". Between the sonotubes and the building's foundation wall to the south, the slab should not heave.

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

The TIN comment was about graphics - not a structural issue at all. Will make those changes.

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

Shots incorporating what I believe to be correct - all elements are MIP generic models. There are some curves for the reinforcement and Sonotube extrusion profiles - the reinforcement is approximate in the sense that the bend sweeps aren't represented in the extrusions.

If appropriate, I'll upload.

te-10 slab reinforcement te-08 3d te-09 pier_slab reinforcement

theoryshaw commented 9 years ago

Hi Phil, yes please upload. Will take a look.

PKSimon commented 9 years ago


theoryshaw commented 9 years ago

Hi Phil,

can we simplify the jambs? Like this..

2015-08-11 09 20 44

You don't need to follow the door layout/dimension in that (Xcel_Sports Complex.rvt) file. That is not accurate. Your detailing and layout will take precedent.


PKSimon commented 9 years ago

Will do. It won't take long.

theoryshaw commented 9 years ago

Cool.. you can start laying out the sheet too.

You can pull a title sheet block from that (Xcel_Sports Complex.rvt) file.

Just use the 'material tag' (by name) manually for now--we'll use @dimven script in the future.

Thanks, Ryan

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

Uploaded revised file with hinge detail and sheet layout. I hope I didn't do anything wrong there.

theoryshaw commented 9 years ago

Hi Phil, it looking good. Just a couple things...

Thanks Much, Ryan

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

Will do.

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

Axxx Trash Enclosure.pdf-outdated

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

aaaaand.....I just realized I did every tag backwards. I'll fix that.

PKSimon commented 9 years ago

Corrected. Axxx Trash Enclosure.pdf