Openscapes / 2022-noaa-afsc

Openscapes Champions Cohort for the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (NOAA AFSC)
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03 Call Digest [ 2022-noaa-afsc ] #14

Open jules32 opened 2 years ago

jules32 commented 2 years ago

Hi @Openscapes/2022-noaa-afsc-team @Openscapes/2022-noaa-afsc-assist ,

Thanks for a great third session last Friday. Last week we talked about psychological safety and team culture, and Ileana Fenwick shared some perspectives about tidy data. Below is a light digest of Call 03. 

Our next Cohort Call is next Friday, Feb 25. We'll focus on open communities and coding strategies for future us, including RMarkdown. And we have co-working times this week and next if you'd like to join to work on your things and be able to screenshare and ask questions.

Sean Lucey will be giving an AFSC seminar at 10 am PST on March 1  (link coming soon) about how he has implemented some of the open data science approaches NEFSC. 

See you next Friday if not before,

Julie, Megsie, Josh, and Em

Digest: Cohort Call 03 [ 2022-noaa-afsc ]

CohortCalls folder - contains video recordings and completed agendas

Cohort webpage: 

Goals: We discussed culture and data strategies for future us, with guest teacher Ileana Fenwick (

Task for next time: Continue your Pathway - shifting to "Next Steps", think about Onboarding/Offboarding

Slide Decks:

These are also available publicly from

Co-working times


A few lines from shared notes in the Agenda doc:

Re: psychological safety

Re: tidy data

MargaretSiple-NOAA commented 2 years ago

A few folks have asked about working shared google docs into their Markdown report workflows. It just so happens that Eli Holmes made a pleasant tutorial about that and Emily added to it and posted it on nmfs-openscapes! So, if you are interested in that, check it out:

I remember @larogers123 , @BFadely , and @JenCahalan-NOAA were thinking about doing something like this. 🧪 Thank you Emily for reminding me that it exists and for putting together an example!

jules32 commented 2 years ago

Next week we'll be discussing RMarkdown, which we know a lot of you are excited about! If you're curious about it beforehand, we had a 1-hour conversation with Alison Hill, "the RMarkdown Whisperer" who was then at RStudio. Here's a brief summary about the conversation and a link to the Youtube video: