Openscapes / 2022-swrcb

Openscapes Champions Cohort for the State Water Resources Control Board
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Digest: Cohort Call 3 [ 2022-SWRCB ] #16

Open tures23 opened 2 years ago

tures23 commented 2 years ago

Hi @Openscapes2022-swrcb-cohort,

Thanks for a great third session last Wednesday. Our team commented on how engaged everyone was during breakout group dives into GitHub, and heard recurring themes of opportunities for more/better collaboration and version management. Below is a light digest of Call 3, including a reminder for your Seaside Chat and additional Co-Working time before our Call 4 on Wednesday, September 28th. Looking forward to seeing you then!

Have a good week, Tina, Devan, Corey, and Anna

Digest: Cohort Call 3 [ 2022-SWRCB ] CohortCall Google folder - contains video recordings and completed agendas - Cohort webpage MS Team Channel - Water Boards Teams Channel

Goals: We discussed …GitHub! Corey and Anna kicked us off with walking us through the GitHub basics and then we all were able to experience hands-on learning in real-time by experimenting in GitHub!

Task for next time:

  1. Have a Seaside Chat with your team to explore/practice GitHub.
  2. Continue your Pathway
  3. Summarize your Seaside Chat in a GitHub Issue!
  4. Discuss whether you should create a GitHub Organization for your group or create your own Repo within the Water Boards GitHub Organization and help everyone get more comfortable.
  5. Co-working: (optional). This is a time to come work on your own data science things, but also be able to talk things through and screenshare to get help from others. Upcoming Co-Working Session: Friday, September 23rd, 10:00am - 11:00am.

Slide Decks: These are also available publicly from

A few lines from shared notes in the Agenda doc: