[x] Powerpoint: lessons learned from previous cohorts, cohort structure & teams, calendaring, needs & expectations of mentors, etc.
[x] Schedule call for early May | | |
[x] Prepare brief intro email to teams | Corey Clatterbuck | 4/29/2022 |
[x] Calendaring for 5 biweekly cohort calls | | | Limit options for people re: times & days. Give 2 weeks to finalize. Primary blocks to open: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday afternoons; Thursday or Friday mornings. Starting Late July/Mid-August to Late September/Mid October.
[x] Instructions for signing up for Github | | |
[x] Add google sheet to Cohort drive folder with first name, last name, github handle, and team |
Task | Assignee | Due Date | Notes
Cohort Welcome email (1 day prior to start of cohort)| |8/16/2022|Are all cohort participants added to [[2022-swrcb] team]() in the Openscapes GitHub [organization]()?done @ call 3